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Fred and Irena were getting the hang of being new parents.

They were better at changing diapers. There were fewer accidents where Alek would pee at Fred or Irena. Most of the time was Fred, who was getting peed on by his son. Fred was slower at changing diapers while he was getting the new one; Alek would pee on him. "Not again," Fred said, looking at his wet clothes. Irena laughed and handed Fred a clean shirt. "He only eats milk; how does his poop smell this bad," Fred questioned.

Irena was getting better at breastfeeding him. It didn't hurt her anymore, and Alek didn't have any trouble eating.

They were still a bit sleep-deprived, but they tried to do a few things to sleep more. They would go to bed earlier, and Fred would complain that it was boring sleeping early. But after the first two nights, Fred could feel a small difference.

Irena found time to organize everything in Alek's room. She needed to clean his clothes. While they would change, Alek they would just throw his dirty clothes in a basket, but it would take them a week and a half to wash it.

Small things like that made Irena feel productive; she missed going out to work in the shop. But she has loved spending time with her son. Every single detail about him, everything new, he would make her heart warm and smile.

"Come one, little guy, it's time for your bath," Fred said, picking up Alek. Alek wasn't a big fan of showering. He would often cry. "Shh, its alright, it's only water," Fred told Alek; he didn't understand or cared, he continued to cry.

Fred placed Alek, who was wrapped, with a towel on the bed. He got new clothes for Alek and changed him. "See, it wasn't that bad. And now you smell clean," Fred told Alek, who had stopped crying.

Irena smiled at the conversation Fred was having with Alek. Fred was the one doing the most talking, but the way Alek saw him, it's like he understood him.

These two boys meant the world to her. She loves them, and she would do anything to keep them safe.

"You alright Rena," asked Fred looking at Irena who seemed distracted. She smiled "never been better." She hugged both of them and kissed Fred on the lips. Fred smiled, kissing her back. Alek made a face. They both laughed and kissed his cheek, one on each side.

It was Fred's first day back at work. It was hard to get back on the routine. He woke up early that day; Alek had just fallen asleep after eating.

Irena was still in bed sleeping; he kissed her cheek. He went to the kitchen, where George was eating breakfast. Fred got some food and put it on his plate. They talked for a bit, not too loud, not wanting to wake Alek or Irena.

Irena woke up an hour later, Fred was gone, and Alek was still asleep. It was going to be her first day on her own. She went to the restroom; once she was done, she went to Aleks room. She went into his room, and Alek was just waking up. "Good morning Alek," Irena said, getting closer to him. A small smile started to form on his face. "I don't know if you are happy to see me or you are just hungry," she said, picking him up. 

After feeding Alek and changing his diaper with no accidents. Irena went to the kitchen and made herself breakfast. Aleks room was open, and she was able to see him. She cleaned the dishes and cleaned the mess that George and Fred left behind.

Irena placed Alek on the floor facing down. So he could learn to lift his head up. Because he was still young, he couldn't fully lift his head, but he was trying.

Irena placed a few toys in front of him. He was stretching his little arms to get them. Alek looked at his hand; realizing he had hands, he moved his little fingers. With wide eyes, he looked at his other hand. Irena smiled; she was happy she could be with him seeing him discover new things.

It was Aleks first-month check-up. Fred was getting out of work early to go with Irena and Alek to St Mungo's Hospital. Irena was changing Alek into some clean clothes.

"I'm home," said Fred. "Alek's room." Fred went into Alek's room, and he was changed. "How was work," Irena asked, carrying Alek. "It was good I did miss working. Sales are going well. Oh, and I saw a lot of new customers." "That's great, Frederick. Could you hold him while I change?" She said, kissing Fred on the lips and handing Alek to him. "Come here. Did you get bigger while I wasn't home?" "He discovered he has hands this morning," Irena said from their room where she was changing. Fred smiled, and Irena got out of the room. "Ready," Irena nodded. Irena got Aleks diaper bag. "Alright, let's go."

They arrived at St Mungo's Hospital; they took a seat waiting for their name to be called. It was their turn; they went into a room, and shortly after, healer Williams was there. "How are you feeling Irena," asked Anna looking from her parchment paper to Irena. "Better, I don't have much pain anymore." "Good. Let's see Alek." She carried Alek and placed him on a small bed. She looked at him and checked everything was alright. She wrote something on the parchment paper. "He is healthy and such a big baby. He is eating well." "Yes, a lot."

Once they were done, and Anna saw that nothing was wrong with Alek, they went back home.


The next few chapters might be boring and slow. I don't have a lot of motivation at the moment.

Thank you for reading this far.

 February of 1996जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें