Chapter 23

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I ran and ran non stop. The trees swish pass me as the I only thing left behind was my imprinted paw prints in the cold ground. The sky was dark and the wind cold. My fur pushed back as I ran even faster.

The leaves had small thin icicles on them. The grass had water drops of morning cold rain looking like silver drops. Winter was here and it showed.

My werewolf body was able to help me keep warm during my run. I could feel my eye sight slightly blurry as if I wasn't fully in control but this time aware. My hearing also muffled. I wasn't in control but I was gaining awareness of my surroundings.

Strangely it was only my smelling that intensified. Almost as if it wanted me to only focus on it, to find something or someone. I could still smell the aroma of the breakfast cooking in the buildings behind me and the blood I had spilled even underground. That's when I caught it.

Peppermint and sweet fresh rain.

It was similar to the smell of the forest around me now but at the same time entirely different.

It was the smell of a storm that occurred. It had the powerful electricity from the lighting. And the sweet water after walking through a dry hot desert. It was evocative the fresh vivid green grass after a rainy day.

I stopped the scent far and distant. I immediately set on following it back to the direction I just left. I sniffed the air following the scent to a modern two story brick house. It had floor length window and I spotted a French glass slide door form the back yard. Though it I could see a young man walking into the living room.

I howled realizing the scent came from him. He snapped his head to my direction eyes darting all around not seeing me. I stepped forward showing myself. His eyes widened as he stood shocked.

I cocked my head and started walking forward towards him. He stood still not moving. I got to the glass doors and howled when I couldn't get through. This time it seemed to snap him out of his state.

I could hear a muffling sound as he said something I couldn't understand. I whined not able to reach him. He slowly moved towards me shaking slightly.

When he reached the glass slide doors he hesitated looking down at me. I sniffed the air taking in more of his intoxicating scent.

He slowly opened the doors stepping out slowly. I stood a few feet away following his every move.

It was like a bucket of water was thrown at me. All my senses were immediately enhanced. But it was weird because it was stronger than even my werewolf abilities. This reminded me of after I first shifted how my senses heighten. Except this time it was so much clear.

My sight began to get sharper and clearer than ever along with my hearing that seemed to hear for miles and miles. I was still not in control and seemed to be acting on pure instinct. As he got closer, I could feel myself merging with my wolf and the fire. It swirled hot inside me but this time I wasn't afraid, I was curious to how I would react to my mate. Something told me that I wouldn't hurt him so I didn't fight and let the fire keep control.

He fully stepped outside looking at me curiously too. I took a tentative step forward ready to flee. I could hear his heart beat spiking up and out of control. His breathing coming out harder. I could see his hand beginning to shake. When I saw that there was no one else around, I ran towards him jumping on him taking us both to the ground.

My shoulder burned at contact. Not for bloodlust but for him. I sniffed his hair down his body when he shoved me away when I got to his torso yelling, "Hey!" I growled at him for shoving me which made him jump back away from me.

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