Chapter 5

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The sight that greeted me when I went inside the class made my heart melt. It was Zeiden by the door looking very lost. He turned to me when I walked in his expression reminded of that one of a small puppy. It made me chuckle inside. This time I took into consideration to hold my emotions in control by staying slightly away from him as I walked up to him.

"I am sorry. I didn't know where you wanted to sit. I was waiting for you but now there are no seats." He said looking back at the almost filled seats.

There was only three empty seats. Since the seats were paired there was someone sitting next to each of the empty seats. One was in the front right corner of the room, the second was in the middle left side of the room, and the last one on the furthest back right corner of the room.

"It's okay. Come on." I told him walking towards the desks in the back corner of the room. I could tell that we got the attention of the class because everyone had quiet down and looked to see what I was doing.

Zeiden walked behind me with his head down. On one of the desks sat Kevin a werewolf from my pack. When he saw me walk to him he looked at me with a slightly scared and surprised face. "Move." I told him and he immediately got up and found a new seat.

I stood beside the desk purposefully to have him have to brush my shoulder as he went to sit down on the desk that was against the wall. I heard him give a small gasp at the same time we touched. I gave a unnoticeable satisfied sigh at the rush of electrical shock and sat down beside him.

The teacher, Ms.Smith, entered the room. I turned to my mate as he looked straight ahead. "Good morning class today........" I spaced out finding myself looking at the curve of Zeiden's eyes and eye brows. The sight of the black shirt under his hoodie. He had his hands crossed on his desk. I saw him clench him jaw which then brought my attention back to his hot and cute face.

His sharp jaw line made me want to cup his face and press my lips on his jaw. I felt my stomach stir inside of me with all the thoughts in my mind so I looked ahead. I think I was imagining it but I think I heard him let out a small sigh when I turned forward.

I could see the teacher had passed some notes and had began to write something on the board. "So Zeiden," I breathed out his name a bit. He tensed a little when I did and turned to me giving me his attention. "When did you move to Greenfield?" I asked him. Greenfield was the town that the school was located at. My pack lived a little out of town and so did Kyle's pack. Most humans lived in the town small town houses that were in town so they hardly came across werewolves.

"I didn't." He said making me look curiously at him. "Well I ac-tually live a lit-tle bit out of to-own. I only go to school here." He stuttered explaining himself and I nodded. He must live in Kyle's land because I had not been told that humans moved in on my land. Kyle's land had houses closer to his border because his perimeter wasn't as big as mine. But at the same time he didn't have as many werewolves in his pack as I did.

I looked at Zeiden again about to ask him another question, but I could see in his eyes that he was debating on telling me something. I waited a few seconds to see if he was going to tell me but he didn't. "Just tell me." I told him.

He looked surprise for a while and then seemed to be debating with himself about it. "Why?" He asked finally asking me with sigh as if he couldn't figure out something and gave up. I gave him a confused look asking him why what. "Why did you ask me to sit with you? Why did you talk to me?" He asked gesturing around us.

I was even more confused now. I didn't know how to explain to him that he was my mate without really telling him he is my mate. "Because I like you." I said without thinking. He gave me a surprised look not expecting that. I turned to the ceiling trying to find the right words. "I mean you seem interesting. I guess...I don't know....I just want to get to know you." I told him honestly trying not to sound like a crazy person.

I turned to look at him, only to find him flushed. My hand itched to be brought to his face. I was afraid that my eyes would show the adoration I felt for him in that moment, so I quickly turned to the front of the room.

I cleared my throat, "When did you move here?" I asked trying to change the subject turning back to him.

"Two weeks." He answered. I was going to ask why he moved here when the bell rang. I hadn't noticed how time passed by.

We collected our stuff and walked out of class. "What class do you have after lunch?"

"Chemistry, you?" He said walking towards lunch.

"Oh I have AP Microeconomics next." I was crestfallen that we didn't have another class together.

I felt hands on my shoulders and a small voice, "Boo!" I turned around to find Kyle.

"Kyle." I called out frowning without jumping as he expected.

He ignored my disapproving voice and turned to Zeiden. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend, Rue?" He asked me looking at Zeiden curiously.

"Zeiden, this is Kyle. Kyle, this is Zeiden." I said motioning to each of them. Zeiden shuffled his feet uncomfortably.

"I should get going. I need to find Dylan. See you at lunch." He said to me and told Kyle nice to meet you. I was a bit downcast that he left, but didn't show it and instead headed to my locker with Kyle behind me.

"Have you thought about it?" He asked after seeing me put my booking in my locker.

"Thought about what?" I asked him.

"When are you going to tell him? You know you have to, right?" He asked me.

"I know... but I don't know when I am going to tell him. Much less how." I said sighing.

"Okay come on. We just have one more class to get pass, AP Microeconomics. Then to lunch it is." I nodded and he put his arm over my shoulders leading me to our next class. But this time I found myself wanting someone else to have their arm over my shoulders.

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