Chapter forty three

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Today is the day I finally get to take on my duties as Beta of the Terror pack. Am I nervous? Very. Everybody seemed so accepting at the ceremony, but I doubt they will be to enthused when I start barking orders. 

I am here to help. I am here to fix this pack for the better. In order to do that I need to fix the infrastructure. The Terror pack is the newest pack, only two generations old. 

They have not been fully recognized as an official pack by The Council, considering they are still small in numbers. They are known, yes, but there is still a lot of work that is needed to build them up. For example: their military. 

Many of the small military, if you can call it that, was killed off when Jax lead them to attack the Magic pack. Now they have to rebuild, this means enlisting new members. 

And that is exactly what we are doing today. 

I finally reach the door, taking in a deep breath. I cannot show any sign of weakness. I have to assert my dominance and show them I am really capable of being their Beta. 

I push the door open and walk into the large gymnasium. Several pack members sit in the bleachers, all eyes snapping towards me as I make my slow approach. 

The ceilings are tall. The building is still new, the walls painted white with a blue stripe ringing around the large rectangular room. There are basketball hoops on both sides of the walls. The floor is wooden, glossed over with some sealant to keep from shoes scuffing the material. 

I glance over the small group of people, quickly calculating who could be possible candidates for the militia. There is a mix of people, mostly males. Some of them look too scrawny to hold a broom. 

"Good Morning everyone," I greet out at full volume, my voice echoing out into the large room. They stay silent, staring at me with blank faces. I raise my eyebrows, clicking my tongue. "So, I understand you all think you are tough enough to defend your pack."


This is going to be harder if I am not able to bond with them. 

I walk over to the bottom bench, snatching up the green folder. I open it, flipping through the pages. Inside is all of the information I will need. Listed on each page is everybody here. It tells me their name, strengths, and weaknesses. 

"Alright," I speak again, flipping through the pages until I find somebody to pick on, "Carter Vaughn, front and center." 

I look up from the pages, scanning the small mass of people. They remain quiet for a second until a man stands from his spot, stepping down towards me. 

He is a medium build, fairly tall. He has short black hair and a scar across his eyebrow. His arms are covered in tattoos. He wears a grey shirt with the sleeves ripped off. His lips are zipped shut as he comes to stand directly in front of me. He reminds me of a typical inmate from the prison. He has a certain masked smirk about him, as if he thinks he's better than everybody in the room. 

"Take a look around at your peers," I tell him, gesturing to the bleachers, "Do you think they are all capable of protecting your pack? Your family?" I press him. 

He presses his lips firmly together for a second as if he is holding back a laugh. He lazily drags his eyes over the crowd before turning back to me a shrugging. "Maybe." Is his only response. 

"Maybe." I repeat, nodding my head, "Maybe could get us invaded by rogues. Maybe could get out pack destroyed." I announce, walking past Carter to address the crowd, "I heard about the uprising, you say you want to be recognized as a real pack? Then you have to act like one."

"And who are you to decide that? All you did was guard a prison." I hear Carter scoff from behind me. 

I whip around, walking closer to him. I keep eye contact, stepping to where our faces are inches apart. He keeps his eyes on mine, narrowing them slightly. 

"Are you doubting me?" I tilt my head to the side. 

A smirk fills his face, "Maybe I am." He puffs his chest out slightly as if he is the big bad wolf. 

I roll my eyes, turning away from him. I duck low, spinning back around to swipe my leg across his ankles. He flips over, landing hard on the glossy wooden floors. His thud echoes throughout the gymnasium, producing a few murmurs of laughter through the crowd. 

I turn back to them, gesturing my arms outward, "Anyone else?"

Eyes drop to the ground in submission. A small smile graces my lips at my victory. 

I clap my hands together, "Alright then! Everybody up! Two laps around the boarder. Meet me back when you're done" I order out. 

I hear some groans as everybody slowly stands, filing out of the bleachers. They jog out the doors, slowly making their way towards the boarder. 

This pack is large, meaning it will take them a while to finish. 

Once the room has cleared, I let out a big sigh, rolling my eyes to the ceiling. Whipping a bunch of wimps into shape will be work. I take a seat on the bleachers, looking over the folder at all of the names. 

Twenty three people. That's how many have applied to be a part of our military. The number is incredibly small for a pack this size. We will need more. 

Once the army is built, I will need to focus on Zane's personal guard. They have already been trained well. They will not need any further training. I was thinking of maybe converting them into another small faction of our military, like The Guard in the Pioneer pack. 

I feel overwhelmed by the sudden responsibility placed on my shoulders. My mind is distracted with worry. Six days from now Jax will return. He will expect Zane to be dead and attempt to reclaim his place in the pack. 

Zane wants to kill him, but what if he can't? 

What if he dies? 

That would suck if he died. Leave me a comment on what you think!

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