Chapter one

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Far away from the monstrous roars, the word has spread like wildfire. Zane, son of Daryl has gone on a man hunt. All the packs prepare for the hell he might unleash. It's not like they didn't see it coming though, Zane grew up in the shadow of his brother.

"A threat has spread it's way through the packs. He still has the strength of an alpha." A females voice, filled with power, spreads across the room.

Four women sit at a long meeting table. One from almost every pack. One missing is Zane's mother, Montana. They agreed not to include her. The others missing were unable to make it due to other issues.

"Jax has not been appointeed alpha yet?" a woman with bleach blonde hair speaks up. she is young, barely old enough to understand the packs it seems.

"No. The ceremony got delayed." The woman says again. Her name is Layla. She has short straight hair that just reaches her chin. She is very beautiful, dressed in a tight dress that hugs her curves perfectly.

All of the women in the meeting room are beautiful—being mated to the alphas of the packs.

"Well then go ahead and make Jax alpha..." The young girl says blandly. She looks bored, unaware why exactly the Luna's were meeting. "That way Zane will lose some of the power he shares with his brother... duh."

"Thank you for stating the obvious, Tara." A new woman speaks. she is dressed in a black leather jacket and ripped jeans. She has long black hair that is naturally curly. Her eyes look almost black, they are such a deep brown.

Tara slouches down into her seat, not at all appreciative of the backhanded comment.

"Even that will not calm his rage, Tara. Makayla, don't be so hard on her." Layla speaks again. She talks as if she owns the room. she is the Luna of the Pioneer Pack.

The Pioneer Pack is the oldest pack, and maybe the strongest pack. It started many many years ago when the wolves first came into existance. They grew strong and some split off into new packs.

All vowed to live in harmony, however wars do go on between the packs when Alpha's get into disagreements. The luna is supposed to balance out the alpha and help lead the packs to get along with one another.

"We need to call upon the moon." Layla says, staring up at the ceiling as if she could see the moon through the ceiling.

"Hell no." Makayla speaks up. Her eyes are wide. She fears the moon because of how she and her alpha rule their own pack. It is unreligious.

"Who else would we call." A girl pipes up from across the table. She looks older, middle aged. Her hair is a wavy auburn. They all look back at her and she rolls her eyes.

"The Fates." she suggests.

"No." Layla demands, almost standing from her chair. "They will want a sacrifice."

"But is that really so bad?" Makayla argues, " a few souls in exchange for a man captured." She brushes off the idea of innocent mortals being dragged into the clutches of the fates.

"I say lets do it." Tara squeaks. Makayla rolls her eyes.

"what do you say, Lay?" Brynn asks from across the table. Her wavy auburn hair seems to frizz in this humid room.

"Bartering with the Fates is not child's play. If this goes bad, it could affect the balance we've worked to keep for years." Layla sighs deep in thought.

"Bullshit." Makayla rolls her eyes, "The moon would provide no help. If we make a deal with the Fates then we will see results." She claps.

"So be it." Layla surrenders.

It's as if they're transported somewhere else. The soft chanting calls upon the fates, begging for answers.

Suddenly, three figures appear in a flash of light. Everything around them is dark. They are no longer sitting at a meeting table, but standing on nothing in the middle of a black abyss.

There is no floor, there is no ceiling. It goes on forever, but it is so dark nobody can see its depths.

The three figures, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. The three fates. They look like teenagers, young adults maybe. All three have different features for the different roles they play in the mortals' fate.

"Well well well... a bunch of Lunas'" The male fate, Clotho says brightly.

Although his voice sounds musical, there is a hint of sinister underneath. "What's the occasion that you call upon the Fates." he shoes a toothy smile.

All of the women stand and stare at the creatures. The three Fates decide destiny. Unlike the moon goddess, who is only a being, the Fates are real and will do your bidding for a price.

However only those who are desperate will seek them out, because the deals that the Fates make are deadly.

"There is a man, murdering his way through the packs. We need a weakness. A way to stop him." Layla speaks up, her voice full of courage. "Help us, Clotho."

Lachesis speaks up, less threatening and more transparent than her brother, "And how do you wish we do that?"

"Can't you just do some voo-doo and make him weak?" Tara speaks up. The three Fates laugh wickedly, their laughter echoes for miles.

"Not quite, dear." Lachesis giggles. "We can change fates, not bodies." The third fate, Atropos, looks up as if she has an idea in her mind.

"Once Jax is made alpha, Zane will already lose strength. Yes, he will still be strong because he is the son of an alpha...." She trails off in thought, bringing a delicate finger to her flawless chin.

"We could always grant him another mate.." Lachesis cuts in, "that could mellow him out.."

"Or we could just end his life in a snap." Clotho continues, snapping his fingers for effect.

"Montana would have your head, Fate or not. " Makayla laughs at the absurd idea.

It's true, Montana would kill anyone who harmed her children. Unlike their father, she loves both Zane and Jax equally.

"How can you grant another mate? Isn't that the job of the moon?" Tara pipes in. She glances around her at the nothingness.

"We have..." Clotho smirks "acquired an ability." He steps closer to the group of women, an evil look in his eye. He is menacing, a tall man with golden brown hair.

"And what do you need in return?" Brynn growls, ready to get to the point. This place makes her itch. It's unsure to any of the Luna's if this is reality or not. This place is timeless, a void.

"The souls of those he has already killed." Atropos says. Her eyes are as white as paper. She looks as if she should be blind, but is not.

"What happens to the souls?" Tara asks curiously. She stands very close to Layla as if shes scared to get stolen away from the fates.

"Let us worry about that." Lachesis shakes her head. "So do we have a deal.."

"or not" Clotho finishes her sentence. All three fates stare at the head luna for an answer.

"For the better of the packs." Layla nods.


Deep in the forest, a roar tears it's way through the trees. Zane hears more men approaching him. He's unaware how far he's traveled by now but surely he's outside of his own pack. Why is everybody against him?

"Leave me alone!" He growls into the darkness, his words bouncing off the trees.

More rustling and he is met with another army of wolves ready to take him on.

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