75- Love's Birth

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Birth is scary,
Life is scarier still,
Death is the scariest.
What a tragedy!

Perhaps every creature in this world,
Is in one among these three,
Different states of nightmares,
Relative, yes, but scary nonetheless.

My life too is caught in that web,
Woven beautifully by spinster Maya,
This is all a game, with hardness levels,
Scary, scarier, scariest- depends on the soul.

Every morning I wake up to the nightmare,
And go back to sleep each night,
To experience virtual nightmares,
How could Samsara by this grey.

But have You heard of devastating beauty?
That is what this Samsara is, cunning pretty,
It rips you apart with its soft hands,
And drinks your soul away, with those full lips.

But where do You fit inside all of this, Sri Hari?
Sometimes, the terror of living eats my brain away,
And I am left to ask You questions that are senseless,
While simultaneously making myself go mad.

I thought the world was filled with rainbows,
And I could live on top of clouds with You,
I believed honey bees would play with me,
And paddled into ponds to collect lotuses.

Until I realised that rainbows are transient,
And clouds are vapour, which will drop you to death,
Bees could sting you, a tad too painful,
And lotus waters are a little too dirty.

As I said, devastating beauty, cunning prettiness,
Woven by the long, delicate fingers of Maya. 
Is this your world, Narayana, the one you protect?
The one for which you took so many efforts?

Are you being insensible, Kanha?
Or is it just me, starting to talk maniacally?
The world is a dangerous, cruel place,
For those who look at it with hatred.

That is why when I was small, I believed it was beautiful,
And I as I grew up, realised, the mean cruelty.
Because, the society fed hatred into my heart.
I was spotless, as a child, and had only love in my eyes.

Later on, I had only hatred fuming within,
For they burnt out the love with their loathing,
And asked me to be cruel in a cruel world,
But I don't like this, Krishna, it's suffocating.

And the hatred is slowly burning my identity,
I was born to love, not hate, unlike them,
And that is where I believe you fit in, Sri Hari,
To feed love into such parched mouths awaiting.

And so you came into my life to fulfil my Karma,
That is to love, and let love.
And maybe that is why I find love so easy,
Like drops of Amrith quenching my thirst.

Finally, I see the love in the fangs of a chasing dog,
The love in the tail of a hyperactive baby lizard,
The love in the eyes of a murderer, avenging his beloved,
The love in the breeze between trees and stars.

I find beauty once again, Milord,
In the fluffiness of those clouds, milky white
The mirage of Rainbows, the sweet honey of bees, 
And the delicacy, unearthly purity of the Lotus.

Perhaps, the world is beautiful,
For those with a beautiful soul,
And the exact opposite for the rest.
For beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Maybe, I'll modify the last line a little, to
Love lies in the heart of the loved.
Because someone who isn't loved cannot love.
Exactly why I need You, To love, both the world and You.

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