Star-Crossed Lovers

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Harry was exhausted.

He and Draco were both lying on the grotty floor of the Room of Requirement, leaning back heavily on their elbows and taking in deep gulps of breath.

He stared at Draco's weary face before him, wondering if he felt just as bad; judging by his worn expression, it seemed he did. It didn't make Harry feel any better that they were suffering together. Although typically he believed in 'misery loves company', on this occasion, Harry found that he wished Draco could at least feel okay about it all.

It would feel worth it if Draco still felt happy. Harry would take all the pain over again if it would mean Draco would be fine.

And yet, he couldn't.

So here they were.

Harry knew he should probably do something useful. Like get up and begin a day of productivity, or plan on how to find the other Horcruxes, or see if Snape made any progress - Hell, even checking in on Ron and Hermione would probably do them some good - but he didn't want to.

He was sick of doing things for other people, just to make them feel better without helping himself. For once he wanted to be a little selfish.

To put himself first.

This, consequently, lead to Harry blurting;

"Stay with me?"

Draco lifted his gaze to meet Harry's. His expression turned from one of a forlorn dread, to a confused tiredness as Harry watched him mull over the question in his mind.

"Stay with you?"

Harry nodded, he hadn't planned to be quite so forward, but whatever, it was done now.

"Today. Now. I don't care, I don't want to go back to the Common Room and face all their questions and stares and everything. I don't want to talk to Snape. Or plan anything. Can we just hang out, without all the pressure- just us?" He said slightly sheepishly.

Now that he said it out loud, it sounded preposterous. Draco definitely didn't value their friendship on the same level that Harry did, in fact he hadn't even wanted to be friends in the first place, Harry had just pressured him into it like the fool he was.

Getting along and having a bit of fun in the time they spent planning the new timeline together was one thing, hanging out just to hang out- just to enjoy eachother's company was another thing entirely.

Something which Draco evidently, by the look he was wearing, did not want to do.

"You want to- just.. hang out? Like, just me and you?"

Harry felt very stupid all of a sudden, and he could feel his face reddening rapidly.

"We don't have to! You don't have to, I just wanted to- I s'pose that I thought... because I don't have to fake anything with you, so-" Harry said, panicked, before Draco cut him off.

"Wait, Potter! No, I mean, I do. Want to spend today with you, that is. I was just," he paused, "surprised. I wouldn't have thought you'd want to spend it with me."

Harry stared at him in shock, before recovering himself with an easy smile, "Well, I do." He said, getting up from the dusty floor and brushing himself off. "You should be flattered, Malfoy. There's people here who'd dream of this."

Draco raised a brow as Harry extended a hand to help him up, "And here I was thinking you didn't like the fame, are you telling me I'd been right in First Year all along?" He drawled playfully.

Harry swatted him, putting on a haughty voice "Well, I am the Famous Harry Potter, slayer of Dragons and Dark Lords alike, you - peasant," Harry grinned, "- should bow before me."

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