Just the Two of Us

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Harry was ecstatic.

He remembered this moment well. He was stood before the large, ornate mirror in the Gryffindor dormitories, doing up his dress robes before he and Ron would descend to the Ball together.

The first time around, he had been dreading the Ball. Parvati was a nice girl, sweet and kind and very pretty too, but she wasn't his friend. Harry didn't know her, he'd gone with her only for lack of a better option, and because he hadn't really entertained the possibility he could go with someone who wasn't a girl.

Now however, not only was he going with someone he knew, he was going with Draco. Draco, who he could talk to for hours on end. Draco who could probably actually dance, Draco who probably wanted to dance. And better yet, they'd be going with full knowledge of the events which would occur alongside them, such as Hermione's date to the Ball. This time, Harry was not going to let Ron drag him along for his pity party, if Ron wanted to be a jealous, spiteful git for the evening then so be it. Harry would not be involved.

Harry was truly very happy for Hermione. She would have an excellent time, as well as being a friendly face for Harry when they had the Champion's dinner.

As Harry put on his dress robes, he wondered idly what Draco would wear. Despite not being particularly fashionable himself, Harry had some sort of idea of what was sensible, and consequently told Draco not to wear the same dress robes he'd worn in the original timeline. They weren't hideous, per se, but they had a sort of Dracula-esque look which certainly didn't do Draco any favours, which was rather impressive given that in Harry's personal opinion Draco was a rather attractive person, so it really was quite a feat for his robes to make him look bad.

Harry hoped he would wear blue. Not that he'd ever seen it, but he had a vague impression that blue would suit Draco. Not a loud or vibrant blue, but a soft sort of periwinkle colour. He had pale skin and light hair, Harry felt it would coordinate well.

That didn't matter though. It wasn't as if Harry thought about how Draco looked. It was only an offhand point.


He'd finally finished doing up his robes. Fortunately, Draco hadn't had any qualms about Harry's own robes. He only mumbled something about complementary greens, before going rather red in the face and dismissing the subject entirely. Harry took this as a good sign, and deigned to wear the same ones he'd worn before.

They were quite nice.

Long and flowing - like something Dumbledore would wear - and a beautiful forest green. The green was so dark they could almost be mistaken for black, but Harry knew in the twinkling lights of the Great Hall that the green would appear brighter. Ron had been jealous of them, in fact he probably still would be, and for good reason. They were quite expensive.

Harry hoped Draco would have picked something equally flattering, that way they wouldn't look misplaced together.

"Are you coming?"

Harry turned, Ron had appeared in the doorway.

"Yeah, just finished getting ready n-"

"What are those?!" Ron interrupted.

Harry glanced down at himself, deciding to just play along.

"What are what?"

"Those! What are you wearing?!"

Harry looked himself over again.

"They're my dress robes?"

"Dress robes? Well they're alright! Look at mine!"

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