This is Me Trying

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Draco found himself writing to Harry for the rest of the summer. He felt slightly ridiculous, even his parents asked him why Ulysses was making so many trips, and who his curiously frequent correspondent was. Harry's snowy owl - Hedwig - was practically an alarm every three days.

Despite this, Draco wasn't deterred. Their letters were so interesting, and Draco didn't want to stop just because his parents were starting to get nosy. As well as the interesting content of his letters, Harry never left him hanging either, which was nice- he always quick to respond. Draco didn't know why they sent so many letters, as they were waiting until they got to Hogwarts before they broached the topic of the original timeline, so there wasn't any real reason they had to communicate.

They weren't friends, so it couldn't be that. Draco supposed it didn't matter that much, why shouldn't he send letters to Harry? It wasn't as if it was hurting anybody. He didn't have to be friends with someone to enjoy someone's personality.

Not that he did. Obviously. Potter was insufferable.

The weeks rolled by in quick succession and soon came September, before long Draco was stood back on Platform 9 3/4 kissing his mother goodbye. He stared about the station frantically, looking for a raven haired head to appear bobbing amidst the crowds. Although they'd agreed to wait until the sorting to talk, some indisputable part of Draco still wanted to see Harry before then, just to confirm he would be there.

Why he did didn't matter. There was always a chance of another second year fiasco, or perhaps the Dark Lord himself would simply decide to start his plans sooner. You never know. It wasn't to do with anything else.

As Draco began to entertain the possibility that something had actually happened, a parade of ginger heads entered the station. At the sight of the Weasley Clan, Draco knew Potter would be in their midst. He stood on his tiptoes, trying to see over the two twin's tall heads and behind them, trying to get a glimpse of his target.

Right as he thought he saw a flash of dark hair, a placating hand on his shoulder pressed him to his feet again. Draco turned to face his mother, who was staring at him confusedly.

"Great Merlin, Draco! Have some decorum! Whoever it is you are looking for, I'm sure it can wait until you are on the train." She reprimanded fondly, rolling her eyes. "There's no need to be on your toes like a love-struck fool, you probably won't even be able to find her within all this crowding."

Flaming with embarrassment, Draco realised she thought he was looking for a girl. He didn't have the heart to tell her he was actually trying to make sure Saint Potter had made it to the station without summoning hell to earth.

"Aha, ha yes, of course. Sorry mother." Draco said, face red.

Not wanting to face anymore questioning about his non-existent love life, he kissed her cheek and blurted a hasty good-bye before rushing off to find a compartment.


Harry spent the duration of the journey restlessly moving about his compartment. Hermione asked him why he was so distraught several times, even once forcing him to sit still after he ruined her and Ron's game of exploding snap by accident. He couldn't help it, he just kept reciting what he had to tell Draco over and over again.

Even the news of the Dark-Mark-conjurer not being captured incited nothing in him. He supposed he had heard it before, but it wasn't that which made him immune to the news.

He just needed to see Draco. Then it would be okay.

Before long they arrived at Hogwarts, stepping off the train and into the crisp evening air. Hagrid was calling the first years and the rest of them made their way over to the carriages. To his surprise, he could see the Thestrals.

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