05|silly crush

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A growing confidence had settled inside Aria overnight and as she was prepping for the morning rush at the café she'd made sure not to wear her apron - it couldn't wrinkle blouse. It was far too fancy to be an every day blouse but for not for impressing someone you liked; just like Aria had intended. She glanced over at her mother who was rather quiet this morning. It could have something to do with her father's recent departure and him being gone for a month this time; Aria felt a sting in her chest as she thought about it.

"We're all set to open, mom." Aria called out with a smile and earned her mother's eyes for a moment.

"Put your apron on so your blouse won't be ruined. Why do you have that thing on anyway; is it yearbook day?" Catherine asked her softly.

Her mother always found a way to snoop but Aria would refuse to give anything away. She couldn't very well tell her that she was getting dressed for a customer; an older one at that. Catherine wasn't horribly strict but she'd never allow her daughter to date someone that was out of college - that was a fact.

"Uh--yeah--yearbook day. Oh; I can see our first customer!" She thankfully greeted a woman busting through the door with her phone clutched in a deadly grip.

While serving customers Aria thought about last night and how she'd been kneeling in front of him while cleaning his wounds - and him helping her mend hers. Last night she had herself convinced that what she felt was silly and pathetic but she tried hard to push those doubts away this morning. It wouldn't be long until he walked in here and asked for his usual order and she wanted to take advantage of that. Yesterday he had pointed out how she so clearly looked like a high school student, inclining that he would never go for a high school student, so today she tried to look different. More mature.

With minutes left of the morning rush Catherine urged her daughter to leave in time for school; and as always Aria lingered on. She fanned her face from the heat and pulled her fingers through her thick brown hair, wishing it was his fingers that untangled the strands from their holds. Aria knew he'd step inside in any minute so she brought out one of the cute paper bags and placed two biscuits in there - he deserved it considering how his previous night had been. Then she began prepping his coffee, hoping he would walk in as she was just finished and to her luck he did. The first thing she noticed was the small cuts she had been trying to clean out and it seemed he'd taken the bandages off, the second thing was what she assumed was a brand new phone in his grip and the third was his tired eyes, how they lingered on the floor for a while before he snapped them up to look at her.

"How are you feeling?" Aria asked quietly to not alarm her mother to eavesdrop.

"Like I am in a hurry to get to work," He replied annoyingly but then sighed, "and a little sore."

Aria smiled slyly as she pushed the bag toward him and placed the coffee next to it. It made her happy to contribute slightly to making his day more tolerable and the second biscuit would come in handy today, she had a feeling about it.

"Well I thought I'd save you some time so I prepared your order already. It's also on the house today." She declared silently and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her mother had escaped to the back for a while.

"No I have to pay. Getting mugged is nothing to be rewarded for." He was about to bring out his card, from a brand new wallet, but Aria put her hand up to stop him.

"I'm not rewarding you for anything, simply trying to make you feel better. We can all use a break in life some time, you know? And perhaps now you'll feel forced to tell me your name as a thank you."

"You don't need my--"

"--name to take your orders, I recall you saying that yes. But considering how I helped you yesterday I'd say you owe me." Aria knew she was pressing her luck with him but she couldn't help it.

Timely enough Catherine burst through the door with a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls and as the smell filled the air he stepped further away from the counter after grabbing his order. Aria knew she wasn't getting an answer today so she offered him a polite smile before watching him walk toward the door.

"Aria?" Catherine said, "get your butt to school!" She ordered and Aria nodded quickly.

Before she disappeared to the back she saw his head turn slightly. She hoped he was currently tasting her name in his mouth, she bet it'd roll of his lips so easy.


That evening, after dinner, Aria sat in the living room staring out of the window. She thought about the previous night and what is was like to be alone with him at the cafe. It was selfish to focus on what she had felt when he had been in so much pain, but Aria had felt something last night. Of course it had been disappointing to find out that he only saw her as as a high school student but he had spoken to her differently yesterday. He had actually looked her into her eyes and spoken to her, asked her questions and appeared somewhat interested - that was a breakthrough right?

Suddenly her mother's presence intruded on her thoughts and she noticed how she was being watched. Catherine sat down with a cup of hot chocolate, filled with marshmallows and a dash of cinnamon on top of the whipped cream - this meant she wanted something. Aria smiled and she accepted the cup.

"Uh oh, you want to talk, don't you?" Aria winked and teased her mom with a mocking groan.

"Actually yes I do, you know this trick too well," Catherine blushed, "I realize that you're becoming a woman..."

"Oh no mom," Aria groaned louder.

"Yes mom," Catherine said sternly, "The man from the cafe, who is he? I've noticed how you look at him and...he is a few years older than you."

Aria closed her eyes and wanted to melt through the couch. Had she really thought her mother would be oblivious forever? If she knew about last night her alarm bells would ring loudly and who knows what punishment she'd dish out to Aria then. As saddened as she had been earlier to be faced with the truth of why her crush would never see her as more than a young girl, she knew that was the truth. It was actually easily explained even if it stung to accept how young she was - only a senior in high school.

"It's nothing mom, I promise. I guess I just have some silly crush on him and trust me, he is not interested. You have nothing to worry about." Her cheeks were on fire as she spoke.

Catherine sighed and looked down at her lap. Aria felt humiliated as she clutched the cup of chocolate in her hand, turning colder by the minute. Slowly she got off the couch and walked toward the stairs to be alone in her room. As much as she didn't want to drink the chocolate now it was rather comforting to hold in her hands as she remembered how she'd touched him yesterday. Finally she closed her eyes and closed the door behind her, now that memory was tainted with shame.

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