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Tom had lost count of how many late nights he'd spent at the office but the work was sure paying off. From the lobby he could see the receptionist, recent college graduate, pack up her belongings to head out - but she spotted Tom's light on by his cubicle and made her way over. If he'd been anything like the men he worked with he would ask her out on a date, but she wasn't a part of his 5 year plan. Women were distractions at this point but when he'd gotten an office of his own he knew it was time to start up his Tinder again; people seemed to be more comfortable with attached men, apparently they seemed more trustworthy.

"Every time I close the reception you're still here working. How many late nights are you going to be putting in? The boss isn't even here." She put her on jacket as she spoke, unleashed the red hair that was trapped underneath the jacket.

"I'm going to leave soon, I promise. My body has stopped respond to the coffee." He chuckled and finally let go off the mouse, belonging to the computer.

Victoria, the receptionist, grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder to signal that she was leaving. Tom raised his eyebrows instead of speaking and smiled shyly. She was pretty, Victoria, her red fiery hair being one of her best trademarks along with her body, smile and laughter. Tom found himself wondering if he should be like any other male and ask her out, in phase with the plan of course.

He didn't really know any other women. Except for a certain young woman that worked in his favorite café.


Planning what to wear to a party was something Aria hadn't done it a while and Pinterst only took her so far. When she'd torn out her whole closet and finally found something good enough both Maya and Julie were waiting outside - she quickly texted them to come inside.

"Can you stop doubting yourself and put your make up on? You look great, Aria." Maya encouraged her and forced her to sit down.

"Are we really going to Bobby's party? Can't we do something else--" Aria tried, but her friends only laughed it off. They knew she'd be freaking out.

"Don't make this a bigger deal than it is; we're going to a party that happens to be at Bobby's house, that's all. If it's lame we can always leave and go back to mine - my parents are find with that." Julie spoke up in her most authoritative tone.

It was settled then, they were going. Aria stayed silent for most of the car ride there and the walk up to the gigantic house that belonged to Bobby Townsend. His parents were successful lawyers, sometimes working with her father, but Aria had never met them - they were just as busy as her father. The smell of sugar, beer and sweat hit her nose the second they entered the house. She knew most of the people here but hadn't spoken to any of them, but they were the usual 'party crowd'. Julie managed to get herself dragged of by her boyfriend in seconds but Maya stayed put by Aria's side.

"Do you want a drink?" Maya asked her over the loud music. Aria nodded. "Alright, let's get two beers and head outside; the smell in here is killing my party mood."

"I'm not going to miss these parties once we're off to college." Aria stated loudly when she sipped her beer. The taste of it still made her feel a little sick.

"I doubt college will be much different." Maya replied and shrugged her shoulders.

"At least Bobby won't be there, that'll be an improvement." Aria mumbled and glanced at the DJ section were Bobby was dancing on stage.

She had no idea why she felt so uncomfortable about Bobby. They had never been in love and he hadn't broken her heart in any way, just her trust she supposed. Aria promised to put on her 'party-face' and pretend she wasn't still a little salty about the way he'd rejected her in the past. She looked down at her body and wondered if he still wanted it the way he had that night; and then she hated herself for even entertaining that thought.

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