Chapter Twenty-Eight

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           The small confines of the carriage darkened as the day transpired, with that, Ginelle struggled to remain passive despite everything Pierino had revealed. Could she truly believe his accusations against her mother? Could she believe this man, Alfred Sterling, was her supposed father? Was it possible that the man who raised her had not sired her at all?

            Her head began to throb with her whirlwind thoughts and she moaned inwardly as she leaned back against the seat, her eyes darting nervously to the brooding man across from her. Her thoughts immediately turned to Dorian. Surely they would know by now that something terrible had happened to her? Henry would have told them.

            Her heart ached within her chest, fearing the unknown of the situation soon to unravel. What was to become of her and her unborn child? What were the baron’s intentions? She shivered, imaging brutality and cruelness.

            Had her mother truly loved Ross that she would escape her privileged life, all for the sake of love? Had she fled for a reason entirely unbeknownst to anyone? Had the baron treated her mother so cruelly that she fled, fearing her life? She pondered all the scattered thoughts wracking her troubled mind, each making her heart pace all the more fearful.

            The sun descended, evoking a gloomy stretch of blackness to extend wide over the flat, green land. The carriage rocked without difficulty, making it all the more complicated for Ginelle to remain awake. She had eaten very little that day and felt a slight weakness creeping into her limbs.

            She was nearly asleep when the carriage suddenly jolted to a stop, jarring her alert. She stiffened as her head snapped upright, her eyes moving warily about, taking in her surroundings. She barely had time to access her situation before Pierino hurried forward, grabbing her wrist and dragging her along after him.

            She nearly lost her footing as they stumbled from the carriage. Her heart pounding, her eyes strained against the looming darkness, searching for a means to escape but Pierino kept a firm grip on her wrist ensuring her that an easy escape was not possible.

            Ginelle knew that if she struggled she would be endangering her child so she obediently followed at his heels. Her heart somersaulted in her chest as her eyes averted to the extravagant manor dominating the blackened sky.

            “Pull yer hood up over yer head.” Pierino demanded and when she did not comply, he grumbled nervously and turned to fumble with her hood until it rest firmly atop her head.

            She stood frozen, mindless as of what to expect as a young servant answered Pierino’s abrupt knock. The girl appeared startled by Pierino’s suddenness as she studied them curiously, her brows pulling together in slight puzzlement.

            “I wish to speak with the baron, tis urgent.” Pierino commanded, his grip tightening around Ginelle’s wrist in warning.

            The girl hesitated, shaking her dark head. “I am sorry, Sir. Monsieur is not accepting visitors at this hour, mayhap if you return on the morrow-“

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