Chapter Eleven

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Dorian returned to his seat as Edmund led Ellison away. His eyes moved over the dance floor and found Ginelle. Her laughter vibrated across the room, stirring him deeply. He was pleased to see that she was enjoying herself but he greatly disapproved of the number of men pining for her attention.

"You know, jealousy furrows your face in the most unbecoming way. It dampens the appeal." Cummings fell into the seat across from Dorian, his mouth quirked into a teasing grin.

Dorian ignored Cummings and surveyed the floor. She was dancing with Douglas Campbell. He was a pragmatic youth with charismatic charm.

The two of them would be a beneficial pair. He was charming and handsome, exceedingly wealthy for one so young. He would make her a good husband, treat her kindly.

His face darkened considerably as Campbell leaned forward and said something and Ginelle laughed gently. He felt a swift tightening in his groin at her sweet laughter. She would laugh for Sharp and even the Campbell boy, but she had only anger for him?

"Lust on the other hand, alters your face completely."

Dorian jerked his gaze to Cummings, "What nonsense are you muttering?"

Cummings smirked, "Why do you fight it?"

Dorian's gaze wavered to Ginelle as Campbell twirled her about the floor, her eyes revealing sheer delight for the waltz. "She would resist me."

"You have charisma; why not woo the bonny chit?" He grinned knowing how absurd the suggestion sounded as it rolled off his tongue.

Dorian grinned, "You and I both know that my reputation is anything but flattering, least of all charismatic like our Campbell boy."

He caught a glimpse of red approaching their table and scowled deeply as Victoria sauntered forward. She acknowledged Cummings with a grin before addressing Dorian, "You need not look so vexed, mon amour." Victoria purred, her eyes smoldering as she studied the length of him.

"What do you want, Victoria?"

"The evening is quite boring but I was hoping you and I could have a dance before I leave?" she pouted prettily, "Can you not at least grant me that before you discard me so carelessly?"

Dorian gritted his teeth and would have refused until he caught sight of Ginelle crossing the room to their table.

"Just one dance, mon amour?" Victoria's voice penetrated his thoughts and he turned to extend his hand to her.

The room flowed with numerous bodies and yet, Ginelle was very aware of Dorian's presence. Even as many suitors approached and asked to dance, she was instinctively aware of his eyes following her.

He knew she would defy him at one point and she cared not. He had deliberately humiliated her and her intention for the rest of the evening was to avoid him as much as possible. He was naught but a brute!

Her eyes scanned the room for Nathaniel and once again she was disappointed to find him absent. Had he left because of Dorian's boldness? Was he no longer interested in her? Shouldn't she be thanking Dorian? She did not want to marry, therefore any proposal from Nathaniel would have been rejected but she couldn't help the likeness she felt whenever Nathaniel was near. She would have enjoyed his company for the evening.

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