⟣Chapter 85

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While Fang Zhen was narrating, Wen Qingling kept looking at him, making sure that every word he said was true. This person was cunning and intelligent, and in order to save his own life, he couldn’t afford to hide anything. He revealed everything he knew, down to the details of how he had flirted with Xu Shengfei.

Xiao Hen asked, “Are you sure she took your backpack?”

Fang Zhen almost swore to Xiao Hen, “I saw it with my own eyes, it’s absolutely true. I’ve always suspected that she wanted to follow me, and her main goal was my ‘treasure.’ She must have realized how valuable the ‘treasure’ is. It’s useless for you to search me, I really don’t have it anymore.”

Confirming that the last blood anemone ultimately ended up in Xu Shengfei’s hands, both Xiao Hen and Wen Qingling furrowed their brows almost simultaneously.

Without a doubt, the blood anemone in Xu Shengfei’s possession had also evolved. The red-eyed zombies attacked Yin Cheng’s armored vehicle convoy and created a trap in Heli Forest. What puzzled Xiao Hen was, if the evolved blood anemone sprayed poisonous mist for indiscriminate attacks, would anyone be able to survive?

If no one survived, then what about the three vehicles that left with the armored convoy?

Xiao Hen had been troubled by this matter.

He looked at Wen Qingling, and Wen Qingling knew he had something to say. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Fang Zhen’s voice, “I’ve told you everything I know, so let me go. I haven’t harmed any of you. At most, I deceived you. Isn’t that punishment enough?”

Xiao Hen’s gaze turned icy. “Your actions have caused too much death and injury. Don’t you think your punishment should be death?”

Fang Zhen defended himself, “I didn’t do any of those things, it was Xu Shengfei! It was her! You should go and kill her. What does it have to do with me?”

Wen Qingling halted his steps. “You’re just as guilty as Xu Shengfei. Half of the killings she caused, you’re responsible for.”

Fang Zhen sensed their murderous intent, and he began to wail, “It wasn’t me! I didn’t do those things! I won’t take the blame for that woman! You should go after her for what she did!”

Wen Qingling ignored his defense and effortlessly leaped to the rooftop nearby, with Xiao Hen following suit.

Wen Qingling asked, “What do you want to say?”

Xiao Hen replied, “Is it possible for someone other than you to control the evolved blood anemone?”

Wen Qingling knew that Xiao Hen suspected Xu Shengfei. “It’s unlikely if it’s someone else. But if it’s Xu Shengfei, I can’t say for sure. After all, we’re relatives with a trace of blood connection.”

Xiao Hen didn’t understand. “What do you mean?”

Wen Qingling explained his previous small experiment to Xiao Hen. It was simple. Wen Qingling’s blood mutated, and whoever consumed it would turn into a zombie. A drop of blood could cause a zombie to explode, leaving behind blood stains that created Blood Corpses. After the mutation, the blood could also “recognize people.” For example, Wen Qingling fed a considerable amount of his blood to his dormant parents, and they remained unharmed. This was enough to prove that his blood had a “family recognition” behavior.

Based on this deduction, when Xu Shengfei was still conscious, she bit into the blood anemone grown from Wen Qingling’s blood. Instead of exploding or turning into a zombie, she became the “Mother Corpse”. There must have been coincidences, mutations, and unexplainable factors involved, but it couldn’t be ruled out that she shared a distant blood connection with Wen Qingling. Otherwise, she wouldn’t still be alive.

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