⟣Chapter 56

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“Some people are just never satisfied,” someone spoke up, saying, “If you truly care about the friendship with your classmates, why not leave us a few automatic rifles as well?”

Wen Qingling looked at the person speaking, his gaze clear and cold, devoid of any emotion. The classmate locked eyes with him for two seconds before finally unable to withstand the pressure, looked away first.

This person was also a member of the basketball team, named Tao Yan. Wen Qingling felt a sense of familiarity but couldn’t remember his name. In fact, he only remembered the name of Mo Jing from the entire school basketball team and had no relationship with anyone else.

Wen Qingling said, “I intended to leave the three automatic rifles they had with them for you all, but now I don’t think it’s necessary.”

Tao Yan retorted, “…”

Tao Yan called out, “Stop with the pretty words. Can you really do it?”

“Can you stop talking?” Mo Jing looked at Tao Yan, the Wen Qingling before his eyes had changed so much, completely unpredictable.

Tao Yan still couldn’t accept it and said, “He’s just speaking pretty words! What does it mean by ‘intended to give but not anymore’? If he really wanted to give them to us, why say such things?!”

Xiao Hen said, “Initiative giving is about friendship, not asking him for it.”

Tao Yan remained silent.

Ji Rong sneered, “Classmate, with a single sentence of yours, you lost three automatic rifles and three boxes of ammunition. Do you regret it?”

Tao Yan remained silent.

Annoyed and embarrassed, Tao Yan couldn’t help but blurt out, “You liked Mo Jing, didn’t you? Is your affection so cheap? You can’t even part with a few guns?”

With Tao Yan’s words, the expressions of Xiao Hen, Mo Jing, and Feng Yi all changed. It was Wen Qingling, the main character involved, who had no reaction at all.

Mo Jing reprimanded in anger, “Tao Yan! Shut up!”

Tao Yan had already thrown caution to the wind. “So this is the person you’ve been longing for all along? Take a good look at him yourself! Initially, he actively pursued you, willingly chased after you. As long as there was your basketball game, he would definitely be there. And what’s the result? What does your relationship even count for? They said ‘graduation means breaking up,’ but you guys broke up in college. Now, in the apocalypse, you don’t even recognize each other?!”

Jiang Lan’s face also changed. She secretly glanced at Xiao Hen and saw her daughter-in-law’s unpleasant expression. Then she looked at Mo Jing, comparing the two of them, and still felt that Xiao Hen was more pleasing. The key point was that Xiao Hen seemed reliable, mature, and powerful, while this Mo Jing couldn’t even handle a small base and wasn’t worthy of her own son.

Jiang Lan spoke up, “Child, what’s going on?”

Wen Qingling blinked and shook his head, “I don’t know.”

He also wanted to know what was going on. Jiang Lan tugged at her son’s clothes and motioned for him to look at Xiao Hen.

Wen Qingling glanced at Xiao Hen, who had been staring at him all along, his expression particularly gloomy.

Wen Qingling: “?”

What does that mean? Showing him an unpleasant expression?

Suddenly, Sang Qin burst into laughter, “Jiang Lan, I never expected your son to actually like men! He’s actually gay! Hahaha, this is too funny!”

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