1551 - 1560

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1551. It contains 'your version of the truth' such as limitations and beliefs which are not necessarily true

1552. Power is the measure of the degree of control you have over circumstances in your life and the actions of the people around you. It is a skill that is developed by a deep understanding of human nature, of what truly motivates people, and of the manipulations necessary for advancement and protection.

-Robert Greene

1553. Dreams carry more weight and meaning than our conscious thoughts while awake.

1554. The subconscious mind can be programmed , so we can have the perfect life we want, but unfortunately, that is not what most people do .Repetition is important when you program the subconscious mind.

1555. Anger has a strong physical component.

1556. Don't forget Animals dream too.

1557. In the world today many people rightfully feel entitled to have success and the good things in life, but they usually understand it will require sacrifice and hard work.

-Robert Greene

1558. Your life must be a progression towards ownership - first mentally of your independence, and then physically of your work, owning what you produce.

-Robert Greene

1559. Most of our beliefs and thoughts from the world , were formed during the ages of 2 and 7, when most learning was subconscious.

1560. Perfectionists are angry like all the time.

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