1311 - 1320

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1311. Your brain reacts the same way when you are in danger and when a friend is.

1312. The human brain works as a binary computer and can only analyze the exact information-based zeros and ones (or black and white). Our heart is more like a chemical computer that uses fuzzy logic to analyze information that can't be easily defined in zeros and ones.

—Naveen Jain

1313. Your close friends influence your weight.Believe it or not, if your best friend eats a healthy diet you are likely to do the same. If she’s a junk food eater, then you better make her see sense!

1314. Boanthropy is a psychological disorder where people think they're cows.

1315. Your emotions are influenced by the people or friends around you. If everyone around you is sad, you will feel sadness, too. If everyone is happy and excited, that is infectious, and makes others happy as well. This is why it is important to escape toxic environments, especially if people in your surroundings are aggressive and violent.

1316. Enjoyment is an incredible energizer to the human spirit.

—John C. Maxwell

1317. Around 6% of people have narcissistic personality disorder. They have a strong sense of self-importance and lack empathy.

1318. Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private.

—Allen Ginsberg

1319. Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.

—Grenville Kleiser

1320. In the long run, your human capital is your main base of competition. Your leading indicator of where you're going to be 20 years from now is how well you're doing in your education system.

—Bill Gates

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