Chapter 25-tears

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The women kept her hands around you, not in a comforting "your okay" way like the rest of this family did, but more of a "move and I'll fucking kill you" kind of way. Her long nails dug into your scalp, a few of them were broken and chipped so it hurt all the more, and she did nothing but smirk at your terrified stance and expression. She hissed the words through her teeth, blaming your for these people's actions, they messed up her face! Do you even know how expensive that was?

"M-mother- I" you started speaking, but not before she kneed you in the center of your back, you knew that was going to leave a bruise, a bad one at that, probably super dark.

"I want you to tell me where I am, and how to get out of here, I couldn't give two shits on what you need right now, I obviously am more important than you, you know this, that's why you should be helping me." She spoke fastly, seething it through her teeth, she kept a hold on your kneel and head, but started dragging you further down the hallway, she was totally scared, but she couldn't look weak in front of you, it would hurt her oh-so-precious ego.

"Uhm I-I don't know -I just uhm-I tried and it didn't, I don't know okay!" You stuttered out, your face scrunched up and you could feel the tears welling Up in your eyes, this woman had tormented you through your entire life, manipulated you into thinking she was doing it because she "loved" you, it was different from your father who just beat the shit out of you and called it a day. Hers wa s'more verbal, and more scary, you could vividly remember every time she belittled you. And it made you feel.. weaker than anyone on the face of the earth

She sighed rudely and continued dragging you through the different hallways, your body stayed in it paralysis, and refused to budge one bit, making it all the more easier for her to take advantage of you. At some point she decided to hold onto you extremely tighter than before, for her own pleasure of course, and dug her nails in harder to your scalp and neck, small crescents of injury could be seen, tiny runs of blood coming from them.

At this point your were full on sobbing, your body shaking as it freed itself from its own cage, you were finally able to try to uneasy your mothers hands from your hair, you wondered if you could scream, and scream you did, or tried to, it came out something more of a whisper yell for "help" but it was an attempt, a for effort.

Fortunately for you, your so called father had been walking to the room wher you had been occupying the space just moment prior, and he was coming from the opposite direction of the two of you, when he turned the corner, and saw you being harmed by that bitch, a mix of worry and rage crossed his face.

He wanted you out of that women's arms, n o w

Her filthy hands gripped onto you, digging into your precious skin, it made his blood boil, he thought they beat her up enough to never let her walk again ! they were planning on keeping her there to torture her for a long, slow time, but cadaver had gone a little too far and knocked her out, really hardly. Damn all control, he wanted her dead right now.

"M-mother please l-let go, please" you begged her, she didnt stop, and instead gave you a small smirk,  dropping you to the ground, smiling at you, somehow the phrase "let go" meant flatout dropping you to the ground, she stared down at you, before speaking to you in a shrill and demanding tone,

"You little slut,  you did something didn't you! I oughta ring your ne-" she started, slowly raising her hand, it held the threat of a slap, along with the terror that would come with it. You waited weakly for the hand to come crashing down onto your delicate face, shutting your eyes, but it never did, you peeled open your e/c globes and gaspe day the sight of your real father standing over you, while another figure dragged your mother far away.

"Oh baby girl, I'm so so sorry I wasn't able to get here sooner, oh shhhh shhhh, don't worry, she won't ever touch you again, I promise." He cooed to your shaking form,  to which you stood up, wobbling slightly, and fell straight into his arms as your legs gave out, sobbing. He slipped his arm under your legs and housted you up, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and sobbed straight into his chest. He stared down at you lovingly, you were seeking comfort, and he was very glad to give it, your u shouldn't have even seen that bitch, but it was clear you trusted him all the more after he saved you from that incident, along with his brother who dragged her away.

You gripped his shirt, snuggling your face closer to him as you cried, heaving breaths left your mouth, you knew that you weren't supposed to like this. They kidnapped you for Christ's sake! But in that moment, things just felt so... right. You felt safe, for the first time ever in your entire life.

This was normal... right?
———————-somewhere else——————

On the other side of the looking glass, your "uncle" was dragging your so called mother down the hallway in a rage, not only had they gone easy on her, but they had given her a nicer room to stay in until they tortured her to death. It was a white room with a mattress, a mattress! They should've let her rot on the concrete in the basement, but thy wanted her to think she would be fine, before stomping on that hope. But nooiioo m/n just had to go fuck things up! She scared you too! What a bitch.

She attempted to kick out of his hold, smacking his hands and wriggling as much as she possibly could, nothing worked, In fact it did the opposite, it added fuel to your "uncle" Xander's rage, he was personally planning in all the ways to kill her. He ordered a more bloody one, like removing all of her organs and making her eat them as she watched, he gripped this women's hair and continued on dragging her. Getting agitated at her screams of terror, he yelled

"Shit the hell up you bitch, I am done with your foolishness, you act as if you want me to kill you right now! Be quiet, or you'll scare little y/n" he seethed, digging HIS nails into her scalp as she had done with you, not so tough now that your overpowered are you m/n? She stayed silent after that, that's when they arrived at the basement once again, and he spent no time shoving the door open, and chucking the women down the stairs, hopefully he broke a few bones. He slammed the door shut, and walked away, to go find you and make sure you were okay.

He knew you were starting to slip into their trap, getting into the Mindset that you truly were part of the family, everything wa shoving completely perfect, their execution of their plan was spot on.

Well we'll well

Oh how the turned tables, have turned.

Have a fantastic day, no authors note today, byyyyeee!!!!!!

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