Chapter 2- decisions

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TW this chapter does include murder, and abuse

You walked home, too late at night in the fluer family's opinion. Three of the sons tailed you all the way to your home, making comments about how adorable you were along the way, until you were catcalled by some drunk man in the streets, their faces immediately dropped.

"Whooo come here little girl I could show you a good time.." the (probably 45 year old) man slurred is though the thick voice, causing you to turn to him and just book it down the next two blocks, running became easy after playing "tag" with your parents for 15 years.

You were now far away from the man, and the thing about to happen to him, your "brothers" had acted immediately. Grabbing the man by his arms and dragging him down to the back of a very conveniently placed dark alleyway. His screams could t be heard as they carved his face up, and disposed of his dead body in the nearest trash bin.

  (OhHhHh sCarY)

You on the other hand, hade been-safely walking in to your brothers daycare, saying hello to the teacher. You couldn't afford something exspensive for your little brother, like a full time at daycare, but ms Kim let's you leave him there free of charge.

The three men who had been tailing you were now looking around the street frantically trying to find their baby sister, and all sighed when they saw you speaking to a women at a daycare, and then walking out with a toddler toddling behind you.

Wait... a toddler? Theyre your brother not that little brat! Oh right you don't even know who they are... oops

You started walking back to your home, hoping that your parents weren't home, cause then they would make you cough up the tips you earned today, you didn't want that in the slightest.  Unlocking your door and sliding in with b/n, still not noticing the three stalkers tailing you, you walked into the house.

'This is where she lives? It's worse than I thought!'  The oldest out of the three brothers thought, he was used to living in a lavish home, why should he get that if you had to stay in a place like this? Also didn't you work a few jobs? Shouldn't that pay for at least a small apartment?

'This is where she lives? It's worse than I thought!'  The oldest out of the three brothers thought, he was used to living in a lavish home, why should he get that if you had to stay in a place like this? Also didn't you work a few jobs? Shouldn't...

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-oldest- without the horns

"We should be careful here, Damien said someone was hurting her and Damien is never wrong, we find out who and report back to the family, easy as pie." The second brother with red eyes said, as much as he wanted you with him, if they were caught... everything would go to shit.

 everything would go to shit

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-second brother

"Yeah yeah, I know let's go see her though" the final, and youngest one said, and looked into the window, seeing your figure move around, trying to help the tiny child go to sleep.

"Yeah yeah, I know let's go see her though" the final, and youngest one said, and looked into the window, seeing your figure move around, trying to help the tiny child go to sleep

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-youngest brother

That's when they heard it, the scream, you were no longer in a room where they could see you, but they could hear the pure fear in that piercing call for help.

"SHUT UP YOU UGLY S*UT, YOU WERE A MISTAKE! WHY ARE YOU EVEN STILL ALIVE!!!" A man screamed at you, clearly angry for no apparent reason, the sight of a random man gripping into your hair as you struggled was enough to make the three Boys's blood boil.

They had to watch as he hurt you and scratched you and, started to scream at you more. They all wanted nothing more than to take you away from that man, and comfort you.
But they couldhh by to do it now or it would complicate the whole plan.

"I-I'm sorry father, I d-didn't know you were h-home" you said, barely audible. You started to struggled more as he gripped your hair harder, knowing he was about to throw you down in the basement. That was until your brother b/n came out in the hallway, and started screaming with ear piercing screams. Probably alerting your entire block.

Your father huffed, and stormed past you two, not before whispering in your ear,

"I just got fired from my job because of you, you're hanging onto a thin thread, mess up again and I won't hesitate to end your life" he seethed through his teeth, and stormed past you. He had never gone as far as saying he would kill you, even though the indication was clear, those words were a wake up call.

Your temporary stalkers watched the scene go down, and were saddened by the evident fear on your face. They knew that they had to get you out of there, and fast, who knows what could happen to you if they don't? Your father is most likely to kill you anytime soon, they needed to act now, to save their little girl.

"Ok this is so much worse than we thought, I was thinking she was just getting bullied at school or something but this is on a whole different level." The brother with red eyes spoke, motioning towards your bruised body, and sighing.

"No dip Sherlock, we're gonna have to tell the family though, theyre gonna be pissed if we just bring her home unprepared. Although I would love to let her sleep in my bed with me, we could snuggle when she gets nightmares... suddenly I'm liking the idea more and more"
The oldest stated, grabbing into his cellphone, and chuckling at the glares the other two gave him.

"I'm calling grandpa now, go see if he leaves" he said and motioned to the two doors.

(I'm not specifying names right now)
- - - - - - - - -
Brother- hey grandpa there's a change of plans

Grandpa-what happened? You found who wa shutting her didn't you

Brother- yes, it was her father and I'm guessing also her mother, we need to take her today, I think he's going to try and kill her!

Grandpa- we can't have her dying, she's too cute for that

Brother- yes, tell the family to make room for one more, we're taking her home tonight
- - - - - - — - - - - - - -
He put the phone down and put his hand out to the window, watching your figure get up from the floor and hug your little brother.

"You'll be ours soon, little button"

I had to rewrite this one cuz wattpad deleted it, I'm going to be publishing a chapter that Is going to show you what all of the characters look like, and what kind of yandere they'll be.

(Probably tomorrow)

Also does anyone not like the third person writing I do? Cause I can write stuff in different terms if you wish.

Hope you all have a good day 😊


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