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Eight | Betrayal

Eight | Betrayal

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Dream smiles as he hears the words pass through Tubbo's mouth. Just from the way he said them, Dream knew the answer, I did too. It was easy to see how the next events were going to play out. It was simple, but the other three didn't quite catch on.

"I've made my decision." Tubbo repeats, a hand carding through his hair as a sad smile crosses on his face. I hear chairs scratching on the floor, metal on metal to make my ears cringe. Tommy and Quackity have pushed their chairs out of the table and seem to be ready to stand and fight. They seemed ready to pounce on anything that moved. I clenched my fists at my sides, stopping me from moving, knowing I'd only make the situation worse.

"My decision, as the president," Tubbo inhales, his breath shaky, on the verge of tears. Of breaking down completely. I realized then, that Tubbo was truly only a boy. He was mature for his age, that was never in question, but on how much he can hold in without exploding is another thing entirely. How many times he could suppress his emotions, could hold them back from the world so he would seem fit for the job that was laid on his shoulders without his consent. He was breaking, slowly, but still breaking.

"You get his left, I'll get his right-" I heard Quackity whisper to Tommy, his eyes trained on me, seeing how I'd react. It was a stupid move to say their plan aloud, and loud enough for me to hear. Dream was closer, he would hear it better than I could. I guess they expected for me to join them, to help them fight Dream. Of course I am only guessing that they would be taking him head on, but seeing as he is the only other opponent, it was oblivious. At least to me it was anyways.

Before Tubbo told Dream his answer, he turned his head to Tommy with a sad smile, his brown eyes conveying a deeper meaning then I could understand. I see Tommy falter, his excited smile dropping ever so slightly. His sky blue eyes hooding as he reads his best friends eyes, his body language. Tommy's entire stature breaks, his once straight spine, confident, was broken in. His lips parted in hurt, knowing this wasn't a joke, and whatever he and the other two idiots talked about and planned, wasn't going to work at all for one main reason.

That reason being because, Tommy wasn't going to be here. Tommy might not come back, ever.

"Tommy, I am so sorry." Tubbo says slowly, the repeats it again. "I am so, so sorry." Dream smile grows large, honestly, it seemed like his cheeks were going to rip open, I could see both sides of his mouth from under the mask. He stands, already preparing for his next steps.

"Dream." Tubbo turns back to the masked man, standing as well. The boy's face was hardened, and the tears were dried without much a though, like they were never there. Tommy is next to stand, and his mouth is opened in a silent protest, then Quackity, then Fundy. They try to change the brunet boy's mind, but the thought never leaves their mouth, for the President stops them before they could say anything at all with his hand.

𝙋𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐˢᵐᵖ DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora