

Hi Libby I really love your book so much and I have read it like 3 times and this is probably my Fourth time. I have always just read it offline and was rarely online for me to reach out. But I just wanted and had to let you know how much I appreciate your writing 


@lau_ra2006 By the way I talking about Typhoon and tempest


guess who's back...back again
          Oops! It's been WAY too long, and I've written a little update on what happened, where I've been, what the plan is, and about an upcoming NaNoWriMo project, with hopefully a brand new story for you by the end of the year. 
          It's been too long, my friends. Here's all my thoughts and plans - and I hope you're ready for another adventure with me! L x 


@LibbyBlake honestly there are two the first one is the scene where they meet Haiden and Niall obvi!!! And the other is kinda wholesome to me, but when she unclogs the rocks and she gets that breath of relief even though it's her last day of class, she feels something good. 


@Daye_fantastic Aw thank you I'm doing well!! I'm so honoured you've reread T&T so much!! Do you have a favourite scene you always go back to? L x


@LibbyBlake I hope you are doing well!! 


Hello libby! I hope you are well. I was just wondering would you consider publishing the books as I would love to have a paper version of themmm as they are amazing


@AmeilaDinos Hello Ameila! At the moment no, I'm happy with having them easily accessible to everyone on here, but there's definitely room in the future for them to be published and I'd love to have paper versions too! L x


My unintentional HIATUS is over - and I'm coming back with a vengeance. 
          SIREN BAY - my Australian summer set novel (I wrote too much and it upgraded from short story to a whopping 130k word book) is complete! I can only thank you for your patience, and apologise that it's taken so long.
          Life, unfortunately, got in the way, but I'm no longer letting others rule when I can indulge in my passion of writing. They can all wait - I have worlds to forge from my fingertips. 
          I hope you like Siren Bay - you can now binge it in one go, but I recommend one chapter a day, it was written that way. Enjoy the legends, the sarcasm, and the power of one Sylvia Okenji. 

          Lots of love, 
          Libby x


@LibbyBlake I have to say that siren bay is the best mermaid book I've read so far on wattpad. It was different from the others ones I've seen and I loved it. I really hope that it continues <3


@LibbyBlake i was just thinking of you earlier!! haven't been on wattpad myself in a while but i love your writing and fondly remember t&t and the early chapters of siren bay :)  i'll have to add a chapter of sb to my nighttime ritual now lol so happy you're back and excited to engage in your passion again <3 <3


@Jovarae thank you! Glad to be back 


Hii libby
                        You are a great author i love your work T&T this is one of the best book i have ever read the storyline, the characters, their journey, the suspense everything i love in this book.
            Wish you a happy and healthy life and i like to read more book of youre. This was quite unique book that has everything that i need 


Welcome back libby✨


@Pratik-sha  Aw thank you so much! I'm happy it comes across that way, I poured so much into T&T that I'm honestly glad everyone loves its story and Lily's journey - thank you for reading and supporting! L x


Hi Libby, I love you ❤.  Typhoon and tempest is one of the reasons I became interested in fantasy. Thank you for being you and making stories that inspire. I'm your biggest fan


@Defenseofwattcommune  This is such a sweet message, thank you! I'm glad you love T&T, welcome to the world of fantasy books!