Chapter Forty-Two

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As soon as I walked through the door Luke was there, and he sighed in relief when he saw me. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me, and I was more than happy to return the gesture.

“You had me shitting my pants,” he said, releasing me.


“Sorry mum,” he replied. We followed her into the kitchen where she was pulling our drawers and searching through them.

“What are you looking for?” I asked.

“Aha! I knew we had some,” she said, throwing down a Chinese takeout menu onto the table. “We’re having Chinese!”

Once we had ordered and the delivery arrived, mum suggested that we all sit in the living room and eat, and we put on a movie. It seemed like such a normal thing to do, and I guess we all needed a bit of normality after last night.

Once the movie finished I made my way upstairs and removed Dylan’s clothes and setting them aside before getting in the shower and then going to bed.


Monday morning was just like any other Monday. Well, apart from the fact that when I got into the car and sat down, Sam didn’t start driving. He also didn’t say anything. He just sat, and stared... and stared some more.

“Sam what are you-“


“Well yeah-“

“Right okay, but can you please stop shouting?”

“Okay, sorry,” he whispered, holding his hand up for a hi-five. “Don’t leave me hanging.”

I returned the hi-five and we set off. Not surprisingly, I was met with the same reaction from everyone else. Well, apart from Dylan who started laughing at everyone’s reactions, and Cam. Cam was pissed.

“DUDE WHAT THE HELL! I now owe Matt twenty quid!”

“What?” asked me and Dylan at the same time.

“Cam bet me twenty quid that you wouldn’t have the balls to tell them and that they’d find out from someone else,” said Matt.

I turned around and glared at Cam. “Dude, come on! Okay, so I didn’t think you’d do it. I’m now twenty pound poorer and you no longer have a secret relationship.”

“True,” said Dylan, walking over and taking my hand. We said goodbye to the others and made our way to class.

By the time lunch came around, Cam had cheered up despite losing twenty pound, and it was no surprise why.

“Halloween’s this weekend. You know what that means,” said Sam as Dylan and I sat down at the table.

“Party!” cheered Mitch, spinning his chair round to straddle it.

“Yeah, my parents actually gave me permission for this one. So, fancy dress, booze... it’s going to be one hell of a night!”

By the time Friday came around, Cam could hardly contain himself with excitement. I swear, that boy would have it be Halloween every day if he had the choice. He once had a sign on his door that said ‘Welcome to Halloween Town’ with Jack the Skeleton bed covers. I did not tell you that.

Anyway, Dylan hadn’t told me what his costume was, so I hadn’t told him mine. Either way, I knew I’d love it, and it would probably be something amazing since he was a soon-to-be artist or whatever. My costume sucked. Literally.

Sam asked me to stay over Friday night so I could help him set up all day Saturday, and I was quite excited. I hadn’t spent a lot of time with Sam since I had gotten together with Dylan, so getting to hang out like we used to would be just as good as the actual party.

“So,” started Sam, jumping onto his bed once we got in from school. “We are going to set some ground rules.”

I rolled my eyes and collapsed down next to him. “Fire away.”

“We’re still sharing a bed, so please don’t grope me. I love you, just not that much.”


“That’s off limits too.”

I groaned and punched him.

“You’ve just been waitng to start with the gay jokes, right?”

“The sooner I get it out my system, the better,” he replied, walloping me with a pillow. “Nah, I’m joking, we’re good.”

He lay down next to me and we both stared up at his ceiling.

“So... do you want to talk?” asked Sam, no longer joking.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure what there is to talk about.”

“Well, how’s things with your dad?”

“He probably hates me. Destroying the ‘family image’ at his work dinner probably doesn’t put me on the favourite people’s list. And mum say’s things are completely over with them. She’s going to deal with all the legal stuff, but she says if he knows what’s best for him he won’t be coming to the house anytime soon.”

“And how’s things with Dylan?”

I couldn’t help but smile at the mention of his name. “Things are really good. I know the thing with Jayme showing up really bothered him, but we talked about it and I think everything is fine.”

“Well, you’re new-found gayness made Kelly and Savannah leave you alone,” he said, laughing.

“I guess it did. All hail the gayness!”

We both started to laugh and I realised that Sam really was my best friend. I can’t believe I ever thought that he would hate me for my relationship with Dylan.

“Do you want to order pizza?” he asked, getting off the bed.

“Hell yes,” I replied, getting up and following him downstairs.

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