Part 4

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Echo stood outside the large building with a frown.

She questioned herself over and over. Why am I here? Why didn't we meet at the restaurant? She did not want to be here. She hated the idea of being here, especially here. She craned her neck and took note of the large building that she'd hated visiting ever since she was a child. She pressed her hands together, noting the light fluttering of her fingers before digging them deep into her pocket. She was anxious.

She knew that the moment she walked through those doors, people were going to be recognizing her left and right, greeting her and expecting her to be friendly. It was a nightmare. She wouldn't even be here if Ben hadn't insisted she meet him in the city today for lunch. Echo wanted to stomp her feet around erratically and throw a tantrum. Why? Why didn't she know how to say no to her brother?

It was because he was a lot like Romy. He just had a very authoritative manner about him and Echo always found it easiest not to argue. Sweet Ben- she knew he wasn't trying to make her uncomfortable for the sake of being uncomfortable either. She knew he had insisted she come here because he thought what every one else thought... that Echo needed to get out of her comfort zone. She continued to stare at the revolving door as people went in and out casually, going around her as they did so. It really was a large building, covered in large glass windows that reflected the city around it. There, on the 22nd floor was her parent's office... along with George, Ben and Romy's. Vera was on the 21st floor with the rest of legal and finance. She would have to drop in and say hello, even if that did mean that even more people would see her and greet her.

"Why?" She muttered, questioning herself again, trying to force her feet forward into a walking motion. It was funny that Echo had learned to walk younger than all the others only for her to find herself frozen into place so much throughout her life.

"Why what?" a voice from beside her said, making her jump back. She caught her breath and swallowed, forcing the air down her throat. She turned, then looked up, trying to locate the source of the voice and finding him standing right next to her, also looking up at the building.

"Nothing." She said, with a shake of her head. Her eyes had only scanned enough of him to notice how very tall he was, before she quickly glanced back at the building.

"Right." He said, walking ahead of her and pulling open the still side door. She was grateful, even if she couldn't even manage to smile in response, even if she couldn't bring the words to her lips. Instead, she stepped forward with a nod and hoped she would not fall, or trip, or anything that would delay her escape from this stranger. That's what it felt like, every time she was around people- like she needed to escape. Echo did not to look back, feeling embarrassed at being caught talking to herself. She only moved quickly, hoping to disappear into an elevator before the receptionist or security caught sight of her...

"Hi! Ms. Reid! How are you?" Leslie, the receptionist smiled as she saw her moving past the counter.

"Hi Leslie. How is everything?" Echo said, slowing her pace but not stopping.

"Good. It's rare we get to see you here." Leslie continued to say, reaching out to place a hand on Echo's arm as she passed her. Echo turned at the gesture and finally managed a smile of sorts before turning away again.

"I know. I have to go but it was nice seeing you." Echo said, practically running towards the elevator doors that were opening. She dashed in without looking around, only leaning forward to push 22 and then the button to close the doors, shutting her eyes for a second and hoping no one would try to stall the elevator.

Echo silently told herself that Ben better be paying for her lunch for putting her through this, and then she smiled, letting out the breath she'd been holding and thinking it was silly. She looked up, catching her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing an old pair of cargo pants and an over sized, zip up sweat shirt that was zipped up all the way to the top where the zipper just grazed her chin. That was when she noticed the other reflection and quickly glanced back down. She felt the color in her face begin to change.

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora