Chapter 9: Chained

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My head was spinning, I opened my eyes slowly. instantly the smell of gasoline and spray paint invaded my nostrils.

I groaned in agony, when I lifted my head there was a hanging lightbulb in the center of.... a garage.

"I though you would never wake up."

I squinted to see who it was just as the person walked out from the shadows.

"Hello angel." He crossed his arms over his chest.

I tried to move my arms put I couldn't.

when I looked up I saw chains tied around my wrists, which was also tied around a metal pipe.

My feet were barley touching the ground, my toes were just barley touching the cold cemented floor.

"I told you when you woke up, it'll be hell." he chuckled.

He circled around me then stopped directly in front of me.

"Clara I've tried to be nice, giving you a chance to fall on love with me, but since clearly this is the only way I'm going to have fun doing this."

My mind went into over drive.

We walked over to me, he was wearing a black short sleeve shirt and black jeans.

He grabbed the collar part on both sides of the shirt and and ripped the shirt in two. he's strong.

As the ripped shirt fell to the ground there was a malicious smirk plastered on his face.

I went to talk but all the came out was a muffling sound.

"I'm sorry angel I can't hear you." He chuckled.

He grabbed a large kitchen knife off the wooden table beside him and walked over to me.

He trailed the blade lightly over my cheek, neck, and down area between my breasts.

Slowly he raised the knife near what was keeping me from talking and chuckled.

"I think I'll keep the gag on."

I started shaking my head furiously.

I started chocking up and tears started running down my cheeks.

"Sh sh angle it will only hurt for a while. don't cry." A sinister smirk made it's way to his lips.

"I hate to do this to you but I'm going to fun and it will teach you a lesson."

The worse part about have my hands tied is that I want able to cover myself.

"Black lace looks sexy on you." He said in a low raspy voice.

I started struggling trying to breaks the binds but it didn't work.

All I got was a satisfied look from Andrew.

"Seeing you struggle, it's a turn on." he said with a wink.

He put the put the knife down on the table beside us, where I saw many other knifes, small and large ones and a scalpel.

He placed his hands on my hips and massages them. He was still taller than me.

"Are you scared now?"

I nodded.

He chuckled. "good. now let's begin shall we."

He grabbed a small knife and trailed it over my stomach. once he kneeled down his face was directly on from of my stomach.

"Don't move."

He re-carved His initials into the scabbed ones.

My muffled screaming echoed throughout the garage.

When he put the knife down her grabbed the scalpel and walked around behind me.

He left lights airy kissing on the back of my neck.

I felt a stinging sensation in my back, I don't know what he was doing but it hurt like hell.

"There won't be scar just to make you feel better."

He dragged the scalped down my back once more, it this time creating more pain.

He walked around to face me and put the scalpel back on the table.

We were now face to face.

He forcefully grabbed the back of my neck and pulled the gag down so my lips were exposed and then crashed his lips against mine, then backed away. But not before putting the gag back on.

"You know angel if you wouldn't have lied about saying you loved me, we wouldn't be in this horrible situation now would we."

When I looked down there were multiple cuts in my abdomen and he re-carved his initials into my side.

I saw blood on my stomach from where it was dripping from my abdomen and my side was dripping blood.

I couldn't see it but I could feel the tiny drips of blood dripping down my back from where he cut a couple times.

When I looked back up I saw him holding two bottles of alcohol in his hands, he place done on the tables and unscrewed the top on the other.

"Can't let that get infected down can we."

I cried out in pain when he starting pouring it on my side and where all my cuts were.

He dumped the rest if the bottle on my back and just a rag to roughly wipe the blood off.

"All done, for tonight. well I'm going to bed but god how I want you, I need you. goodnight angel, see you tomorrow."

He groped my neck and ripped off the gag once more then crashed his lips against mine once more, except this time more forcefully.

My sobs were of pain, he used his thumbs to wipe the tears away, then he swipes both his thinks over my lips them crashed his lips against mine again.

His lips travels to my neck, and to my right shoulder.

He then back away and and places a light kiss on my forehead before tying the gag back on.

When he pulled out a syringe the tears kept flowing.

"Goodnight angel."

The needle penetrated my side and my eyes immediately started getting heavier until darkness embraced me.


When I reaches my room I quickly showered the crawled Into bed.

When I woke up it was 12:30 pm so I got up changes clothes and went back to the garage.

Clara was still sleeping, I could see that here wrist were red and scratches from the chains.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her, then her head shot up and she started breathing heavy and I saw tears in her eyes.

A sinister from appeared on my lips.

"Morning beautiful, ready for more fun? Good, let's begin."


Dedicated to my friend Logan Hysell for helping me a little with this chapter. her fucked up twisted mind can write some stories.

She is a wattpad user do you should check out her book(s) they are really good.

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