30. Locked, Hot, Bothered

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The store room was at the 3rd floor. After the woman left, I took slow steps towards the closed door. The silence on the floor was terrifying, it felt like I was in some kind of horror movie and a creepy ghost will be waiting for me in the store.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and a loud scream left my mouth when my eyes met with a shirt clad back.

Does ghosts wear shirts these days? What happened to those white loose gowns? Were they out of fashion now?

The ghost turned around and I sighed in relief when I realized that it was Xavier. He looked just as surprised when his eyes met mine. He was holding a jersey in his hands on which Stinson was written in bold letters.

"What are you doing here?", I asked in confusion. That's when I looked at the floor and found some photo albums scattered around.

"Nothing important.", he hurriedly picked up the photo albums and put them inside the cupboard.

Pushing the suspicion back to my mind, I searched around to find the sketches and ideas. The store room was of the size of an average bedroom, most of the furniture was covered with white cloth and a wall was filled with shelves containing probably thousands of files. Few racks were lined up at one side with different suits and old gowns.

"Damn it.", Xavier said in an annoyed tone. I turned around and found him trying to open the door. He kicked the door a few times but it didn't move a bit.

"What happened?", I asked, dashing towards the door.

"I don't know. It's locked.", he knocked the door loudly a few times but nothing.

"Ok let me call someone.", I suggested and muttered a curse under my breath when I realized that I left my phone in my living room where I was playing Angry birds.

He observed my reaction and pulled out his own phone. Unfortunately, his battery died down just when he dialed Jessica's number.

Looks like God really wants us to rot in this store room.

"What will we do now?", I mumbled in worry.

"Don't worry. Someone will notice our absence soon.", he stated and slid down against a wall.

"You don't look too excited to get out.", I joked as I settled down on the floor beside him.

"And you look quite excited. Do you have another date with that piece of shit?", he seethed in an angry tone.

"You know what? It's none of your concern. I'll date whoever I want.", I grunted in return.

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead. You have my blessings.", he retorted angrily.

"News flash. I didn't ask for your blessing.", I humphed and turned my face away.

For the next half an hour, we sat there in silence. Sadly, nobody had noticed our absence yet. Not even my boss who was waiting for me in his car. Xavier didn't say a word after that. And I, well I found a magazine inside one of those shelves which kept me entertained.

The peaceful silence broke when we heard the growling of clouds and the flickering light of the store room suddenly went out. Terrified of the blinding darkness, I yelped in panic and moved closer to Xavier. My hand automatically drew towards him and I clutched his arm tightly.

"Aww. The princess is scared.", he taunted in a sarcasting tone and I jerked myself away from him.


I heard him stand up and search for something inside the cupboard. After few minutes, the dim light of a candle brightened the store room. Placing it on a shelf, he kicked the door again, this time using all his force but all in vain.

He let out an exhausted sigh and sat down beside me. Another crashing noise penetrated through the walls and I trembled in fright. I can fight a spider, I can kill a freaking mouse, but thunderstorm? No way.

I looked at Xavier and found him smirking at my reactions. It was so damn annoying.

"You know what? You are so annoying.", I yelled in exasperation.

"Really?", his smirk widened.

"Yes. You are arrogant. And rude. And. And. And..."

"Infuriating?", he mocked.

"Yes. Infuriating.", I snorted.

And oh-so-sexy. I wanted to say.

No, he doesn't need to know that.

"You are not a delight either.", he responded.

"What do you mean?", I glared at him and scooted a little closer so that I could punch his arm.

"You are stubborn, so damn stubborn.", he accused and I barely controlled myself from hitting him.

I'm not stubborn. I am so flexible. Right?

"You think I am stubborn?", I said through gritted teeth and glared at him with wide eyes. He nodded in return and my blood began to boil.

"Yes. I told you to avoid Nathaniel. Yet you went on a date with him. You never listen, do you?", his voice was dripping with hurt and accusation.

"Why does it matter to you?", my voice was low and accusing, barely audible. The way he said that left me confused.

"Because...", he looked into my eyes with his deep, blue ones. Somehow, the distance between us had shrunk.

Don't look at me like that, Xavier. You are getting married for God's sake. Don't mess with my feelings.

"Because?", I knew I was stepping into dangerous territory. Yet I wanted to know. I needed to know.

The cold room suddenly felt hot.

His eyes traced over my face, finally resting on my lips which started to tremble under his intense gaze.

Don't you dare move closer, Hazel. Think about Jessica.

I didn't listen to the nagging voice inside my head. I leaned my head so that his face was only inches away from mine.

"Tell me Xavier, why do you care?", I whispered and he gulped, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

He lifted his hand and cupped my cheek. His touch was so soft, so gentle. It was wrong, so wrong. Then why did it felt right?

"Because.", he didn't complete his sentence because he didn't needed to. His next action cleared it anyway. His lips descended on mine in a swift, leaving me paralyzed.

His lips moved against mine slowly yet surely. For a moment, I didn't move because of the shock. My eyes were widened and my heart almost leaped out of my chest.

But then I gave in, my eyes closed in pleasure as he continued his slow torture and I returned the kiss with same fervour. Our hearts were beating wildly yet in sync. A voice in my mind kept telling me that it was wrong but I didn't listen.

I felt dizzy, butterflies were doing salsa in my stomach. To keep myself balanced, I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

His tongue traced the seam of my lips, forcing them open. His hand that was cupping my cheek before, was now holding my hair gently and angling my face. All my nerves felt on fire. Everything felt so intense, the warmth of his skin, the scent of his breath, the slow strokes of his tongue.

I have no idea how long we kissed. I guess we would never parted if it was not for the sudden opening of the storeroom door.


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