Chapter 74 One Of My Kind

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"Well of course it can't be just because of your fighting ability." Xiao began to speculate.

Jane laughs, a shallow smile creased the corners of his eyes in the same exact place as Valentin. The only difference was the atmosphere of the expression. Jane has a volatile temperament but Valentin is truly the unpredictable one.

"Let me give you a hint. Everything is related to Valentin's immortality."

Xiao Yan stood and mulled over Jane's words. "Everyone here has been selectively bred for characteristics that are superior to ordinary humans. The embryos are infected with the x-virus, meaning only the strongest will even survive. After elimination of the virus, you are the perfect body with genes that match Valentin exactly."

Xiao Yan looked at Jane, he didn't know if he could safely continue talking here.

Suddenly Jane pressed Xiao Yan against the wall, "Hold on to me."


A door slid open on the wall and Xiao fell down into the vertical space. It was full five or six meter drop. Xiao held on firmly to Jane, who landed so perfectly, he didn't even feel the slightest tremor.

The room was sparse. Other than a bed and a desk, there is only a large bookcase with countless paperbacks lining the shelves.

"Welcome to my world. I prefer the sensation of flipping through pages rather than wading through the vast information database. We are very similar in this hobby."

Jane released Xiao Yan and leaned forward. His charming and relaxed face reflected the white light, giving him an almost ethereal appearance.

"Now, we can talk."

So this is Jane's room? Xiao Yan couldn't help but curiously glance around.

"The x-virus does not make a human indestructible. Valentin's eternal life is granted by replacing damaged or aging organs. Be it skin, organs or limbs he can use his genes to cultivate a replacement. His issue is that he cannot replace his brain."

"Well, let me give you another hint. The x virus in my body is close to its peak."

"So your body is in prime shape. He doesn't want a piece of your body...he wants all of your body."

"Yes. He will take his brain out and implant it into my skull. Then he will control this young and powerful body. Provided there are no accidents he will have gained at least ten years of vigor from my life. For him I am not his child, rather I am a petri dish or a lamb that he has captive. You think I should let this 'god' dominate everything about me. Is this right? Should I let him take everything away from me?"

"......what do you want to do?"

Jane Wallace will not let anyone send him to slaughter, even if that person is his 'father.'

"I will need your strength. The main control system here can only be invaded by your brain. I want you to shut down all the operating systems with exception of the oxygen supply. That includes the fire controls. Valentin has a serum that limits my abilities. This is the real power that he holds to control us."

Of course since Valentin had cultivated so many 'children' with extraordinary intelligence and capabilities of the Special Forces, he must have a means to control them beyond their relation. Freedom is a human's natural goal, he knows he won't always be able to exert such control.

"You want to steal the medicine?"

Jane shook his head. "The person who steals from the pharmacy is you, not me."


"All thinking will leave a trace in the system. Valentin is unlikely to keep a stock of the serum, he will prepare it as needed. When he infected us with the x virus, he made a virus for the x-virus. This suffix virus attacks our heart at regular intervals unless we have injected the remedy. I need to completely remove the suffix virus. Do you understand?"

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat