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Sleeping Together

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Devin wasn't sure if he heard her right.

"Say that again?" he asked, wanting to be certain.

"Can I stay with you tonight? I mean--" She twisted her fingers. "I don't mean like sleeping together. Well--" And twisted some more until he worried she'd break a bone "--we will technically sleep together in one place, but what I mean is I really need a place to stay. Just for tonight." She heaved in a breath. "Promise, one night is enough. I won't ask for anything more."

Devin examined her flushed face while trying to untangle the string of words she'd hurled at him. It was obvious she was desperate. But was it really a good idea to let a stranger into his house? Even if she looked so adorable?

Before he could say anything, she spoke, "I'm not a criminal or anything. I swear I'm not. Look!"

She took out something from somewhere beneath the folds of her dress and showed it to him. "You can take a picture of it if you want. And I'm not crazy even though you might think I am after what happened earlier."

Too surprised to speak, Devin laughed instead. He examined the ID card she thrust his way and gave it back to her. "Well, it's certainly an unusual request, but..."

Devin couldn't believe he was actually considering this, but how was he supposed to turn down a damsel in distress? Besides, if things went crazy, did she really have the capacity to do him damage? Objectively speaking, it was she who had more to fear from him. He was surprised she wasn't thinking about that. Propping his left hand against the steering wheel, Devin shifted in his seat to look at her.

She was staring at him with huge, trusting eyes, framed by lashes still wet with tears. Her long, disheveled dark hair fell in waves around a pale face devoid of makeup. Well, except for her lips, which were stained a faded red. He was tempted to pull her close and shield her from the world.

Wow, Devin! Aren't you such a prince charming? his mind scoffed.

God, he was just like the typical chauvinistic male lead with a hero complex in those dramas his mother loved to watch.

"But?" she prodded.

Snapping out of his trance, Devin continued, "But if you really need somewhere to stay tonight, I think I'll take a chance on you." Yes, if she was as desperate as she seemed, he might as well volunteer. If he said no, god knows where else she would end up. Yet, he couldn't resist adding, "Aren't you afraid of me, though?"

He pulled his arms up and pretended to flex his muscles. They strained against the sleeves of his white button down shirt. "Who knows? I might also be a psycho."

Yeah right. You're the blandest vanilla guy in the whole wide world.

Well, at least according to his ex-girlfriends. See, even Suki, a girl he met for the first time, was laughing. She probably saw how ridiculous it was. He really had to do something about his image.

"Why? What are you laughing at?" He lifted another arm and flexed some more.

She laughed even harder.

She sounded like those nice, tinkly wind chimes. Instead of coming up with ways to appear more manly, Devin started thinking about his next joke. Anything to hear more of that delightful sound.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm not too worried," she said. "I've never heard of a self-aware psycho. Also, despite what you saw earlier, I do know a thing or two about fighting back."

Devin wasn't so sure about that, but he nodded anyway. "Well, I sure don't want to be beaten up by you, so I promise to be the perfect gentleman."

"Thanks, I guess." A shadow crossed her face, but she chased it away with a wry smile.

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