Chapter Twenty-One

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The side-street was filled with electrified tension to complement the deafening silent, the only sound being the ruffling of fresh leaves as the breeze passed through the trees. It was a cool day, and the sun was being threatened by slow gathering clouds. It was an accurate mood setting for what was unfolding underneath the blanket of the heavens although it seemed to assist in painting a scene from a hostage-taking novel.

Ellen cursed. The bitumen that she was forced to kneel on proved to be painful as the small rocks cut into the skin on her knees. If her skin wasn't broken and blood hadn't been shed yet, she assumed that it was only a short period away. But this was only small compared to the broader reality.

The blade that was pushed against the tender skin of her neck grew more and more threatening as time continued to trickle by, each second becoming more pronounced than that which preceded it. Lucien's hand which gripped the knife remain poised and still, ready to draw a line in her skin with just a quick pull of his arm. The lingering of the metal on her skin was enough to remind her that it was there; that it was a significant threat and one simple slip could spell life or death.

Ellen kneeled with her head angled down towards the ground, her eyes remaining open and darting in each direction trying to detect further movement around her.

Soon, she hoped. Soon.

Ranger hadn't moved from his position, resting in the ease position. His legs were spread shoulder-width apart forming a triangle and his arms were folded behind his back. The only moving part of his body was his lips which hadn't ceased since Lucien originally gave his command. Lucien himself remained behind Ellen, his robe occasionally pushing against the small of her back.

And then she saw Ranger suddenly shift his stance, now looking more alert than before.

"My Lord, they have arrived," he called shrilly.

"How many of them are there?" Lucien asked, curiously. The blade shifted precariously, Ellen hoping that it would stop moving as the pressure increased on her neck.

There was a brief moment of quietness as Ranger counted. "A few. Wait. Seven."

"Who are they?"

Further silence.

"Claudia, Hans, and three other members that I identify from his clan. It seems that Dvorak has also been kind enough to join the party."

"Dvorak? Why would Dvorak be there? Is he coming back to complete unfinished business?" There was an air of surprised in Lucien's questions. He didn't seem to expect Dvorak to join them on this endeavour.

"I can't seem to get a glimpse into him, I don't know for sure," Ranger sighed frustrated. He then kicked the ground in front of him; a few of the small rocks acting like projectiles and hitting Ellen in the face. "He's collapsed the linkage that I've had. I'm blind, I've lost everything! They're running silent!"

There was movement as Lucien swayed side-to-side; from foot-to-foot.

"Well, regain it!" he snapped.

"But, but...I can't. He's appearing to be a shield for all of them!"

"Ranger. Re-establish the connection or run from me because I will come looking for you. Once I find you, I will tear you apart limb for limb and make sure you're alive to see it happen. I might even head in a bit of hellfire to make things more interesting for me. A much worse fate than your parents, I believe. Understood?" Lucien's words acted as a guillotine over Ranger's head and there was no doubt that he would carry out his threat.

The quivering man shook his head and channelled all the energy he could muster to the task. His forehead was furrowed; his eyebrows clenched together in desperation. As he tackled the task, other figures seemed to materialise around them, humans that looked sickly pale and soulless.

They appeared to be the dead whom Necromancers were well known to be able to summon and possess.

Many of them were dressed in various styles of clothing which reflected a wide number of decades, ranging from the royal garments of the sixteenth century to that of today. There were also many ages, from the elderly to young, precious children. It seemed to be a reflection of their life-state when they had crossed the bridge and were greeted at deaths door with a clap on the shoulder.

Ellen tried to count them all, her final estimates putting them around the 40 mark. She mentally balanced the odds – seven against 40. The odds weren't in their favour; at least, without knowing what her saviours had planned. They possibly would have known this was coming or were already controlling and fabricating the future ahead of them. They had to defeat Lucien's own little army.

"At least you did something right Ranger," Lucien growled. She heard him clear his throat, the blade becoming slightly less pressured against her skin.

"My dearly beloved comrades!" he began as if he was addressing an esteemed audience. "Today – right now – I need you to help me to accomplish a great feat; a feat which could progress our kind! There are scum amongst us that want to see us dead and our race eliminated. Now is your chance to stand as one with us to become our equals! I implore you to attack with full force and tenacity that you can muster. They should not come out of this alive. Let your thoughts wander to your heart's content on how to dispose of this vermin. Play with them if you like. It's open-season!"

He clapped his hands and the figures lurched on their feet, dispersing in each and every direction. A large group of them instantly moved towards the historic building at the end of the street, drifting quietly along the road. Ellen shivered as she realised that they were all transparent to that akin of a ghost in books. One walked through her, and she felt every inch of life drain from her. But this was quickly restored once the deathly figure had passed.

She watched on as the figures vanished one by one. And then there was a puff of black mist that soared into the air, the particles getting carried away by the wind.

And another.

And another.

Followed by another.

"My Lord, they are fighting back!" Ranger shouted hesitantly. The war had started and his minions were being annihilated by scores.

"You think I don't see that?" spat Lucien, his grip tightening around the handle of the blade. The blood had stopped circulating; his knuckles beginning to go white. Was he frightened that they were being defeated?

Ellen let out a laugh which infuriated Lucien even more.

"What are you laughing at, girl?" he demanded.

She let out another chuckle and licked her lips. "I'm laughing because it appears that you're losing. I hope you're not a sore loser or this could be embarrassing for you."

He ran a finger along her jawline and then her hairline. She then felt him lean over her, and plant his lips softly on her cheek.

"But dear. You seem to forget that I have you. I hold the power right now. One single move out of line, and you'll become just another body for me to control and another one of their has-beens." He gave her yet another kiss and then straightened back up. "As far as I am concerned, I am the one winning right now."

And then there was a rumble of low thunder in the distance and drops of rain began to fall. The sky was crying with her and each of the teardrops that fell from heaven covered one of Ellen's own. 

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