Chapter Twenty Three

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Ok so 2 small warnings before I start this chapter. 1) the song above is in a different language but its catchy sorry if you don't like it. 2) the chapter below does have some sort of violence in it so if you're not comfortable with it I suggest not reading it, thanks.


"Wake up you dumb cunt." I groan and open my eyes but immediately slam them shut again when the bright light pierces into them, it practically makes me go blind.

"I said wake up!" The man who has been talking to me pushes me, making me tumble off of the supposed bed I was laying on and down onto the floor.

I once against groan loudly from the impact and from the fact that i'm extremely sore all over for some reason. I have no idea what I've done recently that would make me even the slightest bit sore. I haven't been running or anything so it makes no sense.

"Get up slut." I open my eyes to see a man maybe late 30's or early 40's standing over me looking extremely pissed off. 

"Damn, what crawled up you're ass and died?" I decide not to push my luck and just get up off the floor, wincing the whole way as I stand up.

When I reach my full height I notice that the man isn't all the tall, in fact if I weren't slightly hunched over from the pain radiating from my stomach he'd probably only reach maybe my shoulder.

I hide my smile at the fact that he thinks he's so intimidating when he looks like an out of date oompa loompa.

Without even a warning he winds his arm back and brings it down across my face hard, making me fall to the floor from the impact. I bring my hand to my cheek and choke back the tears that are threatening to spill from the pain.

I turn my head and look up at the now smirking man, not saying a word. How dare he hit me? I know I may not be superior to him but that doesn't give him any right to slap me, no matter how high of a ranking he is.

I know he is going to use his ranking against me, its a given with the way he carries himself. He's one of the types that think that since he's maybe a somewhat high ranking wolf that he is superior to everyone except the Alpha.

Theres always that one person in the pack who acts like this man does.

I glare up at him but he just smirks back. I get back up on my feet, ignoring the pain that is begging to eat me alive, and look straight into his eyes. He doesn't back down but neither do I.

Our little staring contest is interrupted by the door opening and in walks none other than Alpha George himself.

Now, to say I'm surprised is the biggest understatement of - anything. There isn't even a title that can go with it, thats how surprised I am.

I stare at him in shock while my jaw practically falls to the floor. He smiles at me but stops when he looks at my cheek. Its probably already red from the slap I received earlier.

"I told you to watch her not beat her you idiot!" He punches that guy across the face and I know its probably wrong of me but I can't help but feel the satisfaction when he punches him.

I look down at the guy who now lays sprawled across the floor, much like I did just minutes before when he hit me. I'm shaken from my thoughts when Alpha George grabs my arm roughly and pulls me from the room.

I'm tugged down numerous hallways and up numerous stairs before we finally stop at a door thats down a lone hallway. Its the only door in the entire hallway which worries me of why he's putting me in here.

If something were to happen no one would know, I wouldn't be able to scream or anything considering no one would hear me.

He pulls out a keychain and flips through a bunch of keys before finally stopping one and sliding it into the lock. Its like slow motion almost, the sound of the lock clicking as he unlocks it, the sound of the creaking door as it opens, and the sound of the gasp I make when I see what waits on the other side of said door.

It looks like something you'd see in a BDSM room.  Theres a cross that sits in the middle of the room with chains hanging from it, accompanied by many different chains hanging from the ceiling. Theres chairs along the walls almost as though someone watches what happens in the room.

Theres numerous little side things that creep me out such as like a bird cage type of thing that has a door, meaning they most likely put someone in it.

(This is sort of what I imagine its a little different than what I describe but yeah, also I am not adding BDSM into this, I am using this sort of thing as a torture room type of thing it isn't a sex room)

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(This is sort of what I imagine its a little different than what I describe but yeah, also I am not adding BDSM into this, I am using this sort of thing as a torture room type of thing it isn't a sex room)

I don't know what is going to happen to me in this room but I can guarantee you that I am not looking forward to this at all.

Alpha George pushes me forward into the room towards the cross. I hesitate, already knowing that the cross is used for tying people up. I want nothing to do with it.

He doesn't give me a choice though and forcefully yanks my arm forward, grabbing a chain and putting it around my wrist. I try to yank my arm free before he's able to lock it but I'm not strong enough.

I try to hold it in but eventually I start crying, probably from the fear of what he's going to do after I am locked up on this thing.

He eventually manages to get me locked onto it so that both arms and legs and chained to it, meaning I have absolutely no way of escaping.

After I'm locked onto it he walks over to the side of the room where a long table sits with numerous items lying on it.

I try to see what he's grabbing but his broad shoulders prevent me from doing so.

After about 5 minutes  he finally comes back over holding some sort of whip type of thing and immediately my mind goes back to all those years I spent in the pack house bent over a couch while some random pack member beat me with a whip.

I know he's going to do the same thing, he is after all the one who told the others to do it.

I start crying uncontrollably, already anticipating whats going to happen. I remember the immense amount of pain that I went through and I want nothing to do with it, I thought I was free from this when Ashton took me but I was too naive to notice I'd never be free.

I try to hold in my screams as the whip comes down harshly on my skin, tearing my clothes and leaving blood to drip down my body from the gashes the leather whip creates. Eventually the screams manage to come out of me, almost on they're own.

About halfway through, maybe 27 or 28 whips in, my body finally gives out on me and I pass out from the pain. 

The last thing I remember seeing is the endless flash as the whip continued to come down on my skin.


Hey guys (: So this is sort of a filler chapter, I just needed to put something out showing who captured her (although I'm sure many of you already knew) The next chapter I'll put more action into it with like finding stuff out and everything so be ready (:

Hope you guys are having an amazing weekend, if you are maybe you could spread the love and vote and comment? Maybe even follow me? <3

-Skittles 💋

Too often we underestimate the power of a simple touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring. All of which have the power to turn a life around.

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