Chapter sixteen: Mother of death

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We haven't spoken of our mother in quite a long time. We haven't even said her name. Guess there's a first time for everything.

Her name was Crowe Green. An average human girl. Long midnight locks, just like me with the darkest green eyes you've ever seen! Her rouge lips held a hidden kiss that only my father could unlock. She was the definition of beauty.

She believed deeply in the gods including the grim reaper. She used to pray to him every night, begging for a sign that he was real. My father grew fond of her cries and used to leave black feathers on her window sill to represent the Angel of death. She used to collect every single feather, binding them with a ruby ribbon. She kept that with her forever.

Over time, father plucked up the courage to visit the mortal, and their affection blossomed for each other each time they were in each other's presence.
Crowe grew pregnant one day and gave birth to her first son, Blake.
Father told not a soul that his first son had been born as a Demi God. At the time, having a Demi God as an heir was deeply frowned upon. People are still bitter about Demi gods but they cannot stop them taking over their godly parents duty.
Crowe nurtured her son for four years. Father visited his little family in secret everyone spare minute he had.
After four years, Crowe grew pregnant once again and I was born. My father had found himself with yet another Demi God child.

Eventually, the godly court found out about fathers family. At first, they found it strange that death had a Demi God as an heir. But then a prophecy came to pass. One day, an angel goddess deemed to be our saviour would team up with deaths heir. This would cause a destructive war to erupt between the supernaturals and the gods.
Knowing that the heir was one of fathers kin, they came to accept us into their world.

Crowe decided it would be best if her children grew up surrounded by gods so that the prophecy would one day come to pass, so Blake and I lived in the underworld after my first birthday.
Crowe wanted to stay on earth a little longer before she would join us, and father granted her that wish as well of a year of peace as she required. She reassured him they would have all of eternity to be together. So he promised her a year of peace.

One day, my father received news from the fates. Crowe was destined to die at his very hand. Father couldn't bare killing her, his affection towards her grew deeper each day. The fates warned him that falling in love with a mortal was dangerous. But he didn't listen, instead he visited her the day of her death, breaking their promise to explain that he would take her to the underworld to live with him. However this would disrupt the balance of life and death.

To save a soul, another must be reaped. That was our rule. The only problem was, grim needed to find the perfect soul to take. Now when messing with the balance of life and death, you realise that no two souls are the same meaning everyone's was different. Crowe's soul was dark, very very dark. I suppose that's what you get for praying to the grim reaper every night. So yes, you could say my father was in quite a predicament.

There was however a way to keep a soul without replacing it. That meant father would have to grant Crowe the ability to live forever, an immortal was what she needed to become. We all know my history with immortals so I think you can guess what will be coming next. 

Father transformed Crowe into an immortal by granting her life and death all at once, only a reaper can grant this gift.
For the first few years it was great! Father loved the attention he received from her, and when she granted him a son he couldn't be any happier! Crowe had also granted him a daughter and he couldn't be more pleased that he had his own family. My father had his little prince and princess with his queen alongside him. A reaper couldn't ask for more. But that's when mother began to dabble in black magic.

That's when she grew tired of the same thing everyday, watching father reap souls and lead the underworld. She began to have an affair with a dark sorcerer, he promised Crowe more than what my father could give her. So she left him, and became a sorceress of black magic. She is now one of the most wanted people in the gods court. Her crimes are unbelievable. But worst of all, my father was left with a broken heart and two children.

The fates warned him it could go wrong because unlike gods, mortals have a free soul which means they could do anything they wanted whereas people like me have been allocated roles and what we need to do must be completed. However, Demi gods have more freedom. We contain a free soul within us.

My mother is the whole reason I'm a Demi God, and Blake. Demi gods are considered more powerful due to them having the ability to live forever and their godly power as well as being able to have a free soul. Which is why my brother abandoned his duty so easily. But unlike him, I vowed never to leave my father or fall in love. But I've already broken this vow, and it's that stupid immortals fault!

So here we are...shrouded in the deathly silence caused by my dear older brother.
Soon my father decided to break this barrier of silence.

"Do not speak of her as your mother, she can not even be considered as something of a mother" my father says, irritatedly.

"Well like it or not dad, she did give birth to me and Raven" Blake boomed back. I have a feeling I'm going to be involved in this soon...

"Raven do you see her as a mother?" My father asks me. I knew it, why do I always have to be right..

"Well...the only motherly part I see in her is that fact that she gave us half our genes and brought us into this world. Other than that, she's a stranger to me" I say, crossing my arms over my chest sighing. I really do hate family bickers.

"See your sister agrees with me!" My father argues. Suddenly a loud crash can be heard throughout the castle. Immediately, we all turn our heads towards the sound. Soon an angel of death walks through the door with a panicked look on their face.

"Your highnesses, an immortal has made their way into the underworld and are currently roaming around in the palace" the Angel says, in a frightened tone.

"Well what are you doing just standing there, go and find the immortal!" My father yells, ordering the Angel of death away.
"We will continue this later" father says, leaving the room. My ruby eyes fall onto Blake's.

"Looks like your little lovers here to save you" he says, grinning at me.

"What?" I say, my eyes filling with fire. "Save me? You're joking right" I say, a scowl pursed on my lips.

"Oh come on, daddy's little girl is gonna take over the throne? That's a big responsibility Raven" he says, a mischievous grin still plastered on his face.

"You brought him here, didn't you?" I ask astonished. But I receive no reply. I knew it was too good to be true, my brother comes back claiming to take my side. It was just his plan to distract me and my father.

"Indeed he did" a familiar voice says behind me. As I slowly turn around, I'm soon met with a pair of sterling blue eyes.

"Luke" I say under my breath.

"Hello Raven"

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