Cast of Characters

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C A S T      O F      C H A R A C T E R S

No, you are not required to memorize these :) This is just so you can look back while reading the story if you ever come across someone and are like, "I forgot who this was!"

THE LAND OF FINALE (say it like the regular word, fin-NAL-lee)

*The Kingdom of Indigo

Noelle Simpkins

Humphrey, Noelle's dad, a farmer, owner of Simpkins Pumpkins, Inc.

Elizabeth, Noelle's mom, a shoemaker, owner of Elizabeth Simpkins Shoes

Geoffrey Oakdale (say it like "Jeffrey"), Noelle's best friend

Jessaline Snapp (it's a mix of Jessica and Caroline), Noelle's arch-enemy

Queen Ingrid, ruler of Indigo

Princess Octavia, the queen's daughter

Princess Cynthia, the queen's stepdaughter

*The Kingdom of Irisia (say it: Ur-REE-see-ah)

The King and Queen of Irisia

Prince Christopher, their hot son who needs a girlfriend

Kit, a guy who sells pumpkin pie

Mallory Parker, Kit's boss, pumpkin pie stall owner

*C.A.F.E. and The House of Godmothers (say it like the word "cafe")

Maud N. Lee, Noelle's trainer

Madam Lin Chu, Maud's grandmother, a witch-fighter 

Alfonso, Maud's grumpy, uh, pet frog

Valentine Jenkins, C.A.F.E. receptionist

Muffet, Valentine's cat, addicted to strawberry yogurt

Gwendolyn Peters, Emily Locke, and Isobel James, some of Noelle's fellow F.G. interns

Madam Anastasia Wandwood, President of C.A.F.E.

Madam Flora Fairweather, The Godmother of Education

Madam Giselle D'Aubergine (DAW-bur-zheen), The Godmother of Admissions and Recruitment

Madam Penelope Pennywell, The Godmother of Public Relations

Madam Loreena Darcy, The Godmother of Record Keeping

Madam Blythe Davis, The Godmother of Defense, leader of witch-fighting Team Six

Sloane Davis, Madam Davis's granddaughter, Jessaline's trainer

*The Kingdom of Viridian (say it: ver-RID-dee-un)

King Frederick, ruler of Viridian

Princess Rosamond, his eldest daughter

Princess Rebecca, his youngest daughter

10 other princesses of Viridian

Euberta, the royal family's seriously ugly housekeeper

Prince Peter of Palovia, a visiting suitor for Rosamond

Prince Leo of the Underground Kingdom, Rosamond's super sketchy dance partner

11 other princes of the Underground Kingdom

*The Kingdom of Heliotropia (say it: heel-lee-oh-TROPE-pee-ah)

King and Queen of Heliotropia

Princess Daphne, their daughter

2 princes, their sons

*The Kingdom of Citria (say it: SIT-tree-ah)

M.D., owner of the Inn of the Seven Dwarves

Rhinus, his sneezy brother

Narco, their sleepy brother

Grinnen, their cheerful brother

Crank, their grouchy brother

Fuzz, their sweet brother (in a boy band, he'd be "the sensitive one")

Seventh dwarf, their brother who didn't introduce himself (he'd be "the shy one")

Pumpkin Patch PrincessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ