~ One ~

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Alyssa's P.O.V


I hear the girl before I see her.

I feel the girl before I see her too.

'For her to be the size of a 14 year old... she sure hits hard as hell, jesus...'

Light green eyes look up at me, a face with freckles on them grinning up at me as the shorter girls body is attached to mine in a hug. I smile back.

"Hi Smalls." Smalls, or Maia Parker if you call her by her actual name, not only my childhood best friend but also the sister I've never had. Maia laughs, squeezing me before letting me go, moving to help with one of the suitcases I had behind me.

"It's been way too long, I am SO glad you're here."

I laugh at the girl's words, starting to walk behind the energetic, shorter female. She was the energetic, party girl. Me? I could party, no doubt, but I'd rather stay home for a movie night or something if I'm being totally honest, that's just me.

"We've been apart less than a year babes." Adjusting the backpack on my shoulders, I continue pulling the suitcase behind me, making sure that I dodge through the crowded airport crowds behind Maia. I was a year younger than her, a fact that she never let me live down sometimes, which led to her leaving college a year before me, but even then I came to visit her on multiple occasions, especially with me committing it helped me familiarize myself with campus a bit.

"Whatever it was, it's been way too long. I missed my pookie."

I laughed again, shaking my head at the girls antics earning a quick look back and another grin from Maia.

"It's also much better than rooming with a random." I hum in acknowledgement, thankful that I would be able to room with Maia in a nearby off campus apart, despite being an athlete. I've heard all too many horror stories about bad roommates from my friend herself.

"From random to bestie, you're really lucky huh?"

"Girl, don't even get me started." Maia breathes out, earning a laugh from me as we exit the airport building. A 2024 cherry red Camaro pulling up to the pick up area, a male with sandy blonde hair rolling down the window, a smirk being shot our way as hazel eyes meet mine.

"What's up Jake?" I give him a nod, the male putting the car into park, opening the drivers door and jogging over to meet Maia and I.

"Sup Knight, Hey sis, guess I'm right on time?" Jake hugs both of us, grabbing both the suitcase from Maia and myself before moving to put it in the trunk of his car. I adjust the backpack on my shoulders so both straps are now around my arms instead of one, I sigh in the relief it gives me.

"Yup, thanks again for picking us up. I knew it would've been a mess if I drove my own car." Maia responses, moving to get into the backseat, which I raise an eyebrow at.

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