Chapter 8

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Today, our town is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a fair. I've made plans to go with Lily and Alex, and they're already bombarding me with texts about what to wear. Being gay, they seem to think I'm some sort of fashion guru, which isn't the case at all. I just say what I always say; to wear something comfortable. It's a fair, not a ball.

We agreed to meet each other at the entrance of the fair. As I arrive at, I hear laughter behind me and swiftly turn around.

"Hi, bitches!" I practically yell to be heard over the music, moving in for a group hug.

"Why the big grin?" Lily asks amused, as she pulls away from the hug.

"Can't I just be happy to see you both?" I respond earnestly.

"Of course you can, it's just not like you to be this excited," Alex chuckles.

"Well, today I am," I reply with a smile, gesturing towards the fairgrounds. "Let's go."

We make our way inside, heading straight for a drink to kick off our evening.

The fair is bustling with games and stalls offering various fun activities. Among them is a haunted house.

"Let's check out the haunted house," I suggest, pointing in its direction. Lily shakes her head vigorously.

"No, absolutely not! I'll never make it out alive," she protests, her eyes wide with fear.

"I'm in," Alex nods her head. "Come on, Lily. We'll stick together and keep you safe," she reassures, turning to Lily with a comforting smile.

"Fine. But if I don't make it out, it's on both of you," Lily warns, pointing a finger at us.

We purchase our tickets and approach the entrance of the haunted house. After handing in our tickets, we step inside. The darkness envelopes us, and the air is thick with the scent of smoke from the machines. As we turn the first corner, a sudden scream pierces the air, causing Lily to lose her composure.

"I knew I wouldn't survive this! Oh Lord, help me," she exclaims, clutching onto Alex behind me.

"Don't be such a pussy, we've only just begun," Alex retorts, her tone tinged with amusement. I can almost feel her rolling her eyes. It's funny how they can love and hate each other so much at the same time.

As we round the next corner, we're met with a red glow and swirling smoke. Lily grips my hand tightly as we push through. Suddenly, a figure jumps out at us, prompting Lily to scream at the top of her lungs.

"Seriously, Lily? My eardrums!" I chuckle as I pass the scare actor. Next, we must go through a narrow hallway. Each step reverberates with the creak of the floorboards, sending shivers down my spine. The sound of nails scraping against glass only adds to the eerie ambiance. Lily's grip on my hand is so tight that I fear my fingers may go numb, but I say nothing.

Emerging from the hallway, we find ourselves in a room filled with dismembered dolls, their heads seemingly following our every move. It's a creepy optical illusion, but it's a really good one. As we make our way through, the sound of a little girl's laughter echoes around us, as if she's playing hide-and-seek within the walls.

"Can we please hurry up? I want to get out of here," Lily whispers urgently in my ear, her grip tightening even further.

"We're almost there, just hang in there a bit longer. You're doing great," I reassure her, pulling her along with me. We enter, what I believe, is the final room, engulfed once again in swirling smoke. Shadows dance around us, disappearing as quickly as they appear. Despite my curiosity, Lily urges me forward until we finally find ourselves outside again.

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