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chapter fourteen (xiv) : meet in the garden

For the rest of that night I sat in my room and thought about what papa had told me. He said he hadn't always been a vampire so that was probably the reason I wasn't a vampire.

As I thought about things deeply I looked at how aether told papa not to tell me because id 'see them one way for the rest of there long lives'. If I remember correctly the creature told me when I asked why he couldn't tell me who he was he replied 'Darling you won't like who I am, you'll be afraid of me, I'm a monster who lurks in the shadows to hide who I am..the creature of the night'. At first I thought..could it be aether? But there was no way, the creature didn't have the same shape as aether nor the same tone of voice.

With papa saying 'he thinks he knows who it is' last night I thought it had to be one of the ghouls right? So after I ruled out aether I still had three ghouls left. It was easy to rule out Swiss because of the height and rain because of the voice so that only left ghoul who happened to admit to having feelings me already. It was all starting to make sense, in the dining room before I stopped listening aether and sodo started to get into an argument. Aether snapped at sodo and said 'why do you have to be so clingy!? You'll only cling onto her to bite her in the end!' now if he was a vampire like papa says he is that would suggest that he'd use me for blood which explains sodos angry response at the time.

Him being a vampire also made two things make sense. Number one being the fact papa warned me about his biting at the start and number two being why the creature of the night said that thing about 'i am flesh and blood but not human and come from the depths of hell, i am grotesque and macabre'. If sodo was the creature of the night and a vampire like papa says he is then that would make sense as to why he was flesh and blood but not human. The way aether told papa that I'd 'see them one way for the rest of there long lives' made me think. What If he told sodo the same? What If that's why he wasn't coming out of the shadows? What if this whole time the man that I'd sat next every morning was the man that visits my bedroom every night when it gets dark?

I got up from my desk and made my way over to the door just about to go confront sodo when a letter was slid under my door 'to my darling y/n' it read on the front. That's what sweet creature called me. I tore it open and read the letter.

the letter read:
to my love,
I didn't want to have to do this but I can't hide from you anymore, you deserve to see who I am once and for all. I want you to know a few things before I do step out from the shadows. Firstly, y/n when I first met you flowers started growing in the deepest part of my mind..I guess what I'm trying to say is I've been in love with you since. Not just your looks but your personality, I could get lost in your eyes for centuries and your smile makes me feel warm inside the same way your kindness and love does.

Secondly, even though when I tell and show you what I really am it will probably make you see me completely differently I want you to know I am still the same person you've met before.
Please meet me in the gardens at 12:00 so I can show you this monster that is amongst the shadow,
Yours sincerely
the creature of the night x

once I read through the letter it practically confirmed my suspicion of it being sodo however I wanted to give him a chance to explain so instead of going over to his room I was going to wait till midnight to meet him in the gardens.

papas daughter { vampire sodo fanfic } Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora