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APRIL 2, 2022

YURI sat on the edge of Kashton's bed, observing him as he prepared for the dinner with her parents later that evening. Absentmindedly, she toyed with the charm bracelet he had gifted her on Valentine's Day, her gaze fixed on Kashton as he pondered over which sneakers to wear from his collection neatly arranged in front of him.

"Yellow or red?" Kash asked without looking at Yuri, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. "Uhmm.. red," Yuri replied hesitantly, "nah, I think ima go with the off-whites." Kash mumbled, turning around to grab his off-white sneakers.

Yuri stared at him watching him put his sneakers on—-it was ridiculous to her how many sneakers he had she never seen someone with so many sneakers.

Yuri wasn't much of a sneaker person herself, so she only owned about two pairs, which she rarely wore. Instead, her collection consisted mostly of cute sandals, heels, and even a few pairs of Crocs..

"You nervous?" Kashton asked, walking over and sitting beside her on the bed after finishing putting on his sneakers. Yuri shook her head, moving closer to him. "Not really," she responded, although she cringed inwardly at how unconvincing she sounded.

"You sure?" Kashton asked, raising an eyebrow as he noticed the tone of her voice. Yuri nodded before kissing his cheek. "They're going to love you," she reassured him, "because you're so perfect. Honestly, how could they not love you?" Kashton smirked in response.

He leaned down and kissed her lips, murmuring between kisses, "You perfect. Perfect as hell." Yuri hummed in response, her hand gently gripping his face as the kiss deepened.

"Mhm.. ba-baby, wait." Yuri pushed out softly, attempting to push his face away. "Gimme one more," Kash mumbled, pressing his lips against hers again before wrapping his hand around her neck and pulling her closer.

Yuri felt her body heat up at his touch, but they had to go because it was already 8 PM. Reluctantly, Yuri pushed Kashton's face away, and he stared at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I wasn't done." Kashton said, causing Yuri to bite her bottom lip. She gave him a quick peck on the lips before pulling back. Kash licked his lips, looking at her as if she were food on a plate.

Yuri felt her phone vibrate in her hand and glanced down to see a text from her father, likely asking where she was. Noticing that the time was nearing 8:30, she quickly shot up from the bed, making Kash look at her like she was crazy.

"We have to go. If you really want to make a good impression on my parents being on time is one."


As Yuri walked into her parents' home, Kashton followed closely behind, their fingers intertwined. Before proceeding further into the house, Yuri glanced back at Kashton. "Are you nervous?" Yuri asked him

Kashton shrugged. "No," he responded calmly, his voice unwavering. However, Yuri couldn't shake her nerves for him. She found it hard to understand why he wasn't nervous when she was feeling anxious herself.

"You look nervous. What happened to— I'm not nervous because they're going to love you." Kashton said repeating her words from earlier, Yuri sucked her teeth.

"I'm not nervous just a little bit worried that's all." Yuri defended making Kash shake his head his grip on her tightened pulling her closer he kissed her lips. "I love you." Yuri sighed in content hearing the words leave his lips and her nerves faded away.

"I love you too," Yuri replied, kissing him back. Suddenly, her father's voice interrupted the moment. "Aye! Aye! None of that shit in here." he said, catching them off guard and causing Yuri to huff in embarrassment.

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