Chapter 9

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There was a man standing right in front of us, and now...

Well, now it's a wolf.

It was a man, and now it's a wolf.

But there was just a man right there.

It's a wolf now.

A wolf is standing in front of me.

In place of the man.

It's a-

Rough hands whirl my body around.

Deep green eyes stare back at me, concern swirling through them, but that's the only thing I see before my eyes are screwed shut.

Breathing is becoming unbearably hard as each second passes, and I can't stop the stuttered pants that are leaving my lips.

The world shifts, tipping and moving before it stops again, but my head definitely doesn't.

It spins, and spins, and spins-

"Open your eyes," A soft voice commands.

Nixx's words are both soft and rough. Gentle yet stern.

"I promise you are safe. The wolf is gone. Just open your eyes."

I shake my head as my breath becomes more and more shallow, bordering on nothing at all.

"Why not?" He asks, so, so, gentle. At odds with the gruff man I know he is.

"It was a man," I whisper. "But then it was a wolf. My head, it's- something is wrong."

Cool hands cup my flushed cheeks, thumbs running soothing circles up and down.

"Nothing is wrong, Noella. I can explain everything to you, but I would really rather talk to you, not your eyelids."

"What are you saying?" I ask as I slowly open my eyes.

His green gaze hits me with force, and it shocks air back into my lungs, my chest expanding with the first full breath in minutes. My heart still thuds hard and fast against my ribs, but at least now I can breathe properly.

"I'm saying that what you saw wasn't a trick of your mind." He holds my gaze as he adds, "It was real."

A huff of laughter escapes me, but he doesn't echo it. He looks very, very serious.

"What, exactly, are you saying?" I ask him, trepidation clinging to my words.

He takes a deep breath, then explains, "I'm saying that werewolves are real."

I stand so fast my head starts to spin again, lightheaded spots crowding my vision.

"Stop it," I say, backing up a couple steps.

I knew that wolves existed in these woods, but werewolves? Monsters are supposed to live here, not mythical creatures with fangs.

He stands too, slowly, like I'm a crazed animal in need of caution.

"You don't have to believe me. You have your own proof. Do with it what you will." He runs a hand through his hair before saying, "I get that you may want time to process this, but I think we should get going."

I blink rapidly, the entire reason for this trip coming back into focus.

"Right," I say, my voice rough. I clear my throat before adding, "I can, umm, process on the way. Let's go."

He nods. "I'm here for any questions you have."

I mirror his movement. "Thank you."


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