Chapter 108: Training the Neighbors

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Zhang Yi shrugged, "Well, that's it for today."

After saying this, he waved his hand, signaling everyone to disperse. However, Luan Qiang, who had been in the crowd all along, suddenly spoke up.

"Zhang Yi, it's not good for you to search alone. How about taking a few more people with you? I see your motorcycle can easily accommodate three people. If everyone helps, the search will be faster!"

Others turned their heads, casting curious glances at Zhang Yi. They were also eager to go out and search for supplies, especially after witnessing Uncle You help Xie Limei and her daughter find clothes the last time. If they could go out, couldn't they also freely take whatever they needed?

"Zhang Yi, if you need help, we are all willing!"

A brave woman spoke up. Zhang Yi squinted his eyes, smiling.

"What's this? Are you all eyeing my electric motorcycle now? If that's the case, let's just part ways. From now on, I won't take care of you anymore!"

Luan Qiang hurriedly tried to explain, but at this moment, Zhang Yi didn't bother with further conversation. Instead, he took out his pistol.


Skillfully disengaging the safety, everyone's expressions changed abruptly, and they quickly backed away.

"Zhang Yi, don't act recklessly! We were just discussing with you, not anything else."

"Yes, if you disagree, we can drop this matter. Okay?"

"We appreciate you helping us find food, and we were just concerned that you might get tired. Please don't misunderstand!"

Zhang Yi sneered, "Stop saying these divisive words in the future."

"Or perhaps, I've fed you too well recently."

After saying this, Zhang Yi raised his gun and with a "bang," he shot Luan Qiang dead.

No one expected Zhang Yi to resort to gunfire so readily. They thought he would reason with them, and they would use their numbers and verbal advantage to leave him speechless and eventually agree to their demands. However, they forgot that they were never on equal terms with Zhang Yi.

Dialogue required sufficient capital!

The scene erupted with screams as the neighbors, terrified, hastily retreated.

"Zhang Yi, don't act rashly! We were just discussing with you; there's no need for this!"

"That's right, if you don't agree, we'll drop the matter. Okay?"

"We appreciate your help in finding food, and we were just concerned about you getting tired. Please don't misunderstand!"

Zhang Yi's eyes were cold, and he randomly fired several shots, taking out four more people.

Then he stopped, watching as the remaining people fled like frightened dogs.

Only Uncle You and Xie Limei remained at the scene. Uncle You sided with Zhang Yi, and Xie Limei, as usual, hid behind him like an ostrich.

Uncle You said to Zhang Yi, "They've been well-fed, and they've forgotten who they are!"

Zhang Yi thought, If it weren't for keeping them as cannon fodder, I would have wiped them all out a long time ago!

Externally, he shrugged generously, "It's okay; I'm a kind person. I forgive them!"

Now that he had sufficient firepower, he became more unrestrained in his actions.

Xie Limei, holding onto Uncle You's arm, looked at Zhang Yi with a bit of fear in her heart.

Kind? You better be...

"Let's go back; we're done here!"

Holding the gun, Zhang Yi walked away with an indifferent pace. He was almost ready, and these cannon fodders wouldn't last much longer. Even if they survived the upcoming conflicts, Zhang Yi would still eliminate most of them, if not all.

So, he didn't care much about whether these people lived or died. Moreover, he knew that even if he killed a few people, they would still come back later, begging him for food.


As Zhang Yi expected, the people from Building 25 were scared out of their wits by him. They hurriedly fled back to their homes and tightly closed their doors.

At this moment, they recalled the fear when they were dominated by Chen Zhenghao.

Back then, they also hid at home every day, not knowing when death would come.

These homeowners secretly formed a new group but didn't include Zhang Yi, Zhou Ke'er, Uncle You, and Xie Limei.

Since the advent of the Ice Age, each building had formed dozens of groups at least.

The lack of trust and hypocrisy among people were vividly displayed.

"What should we do now? Zhang Yi is annoyed; is he going to kill us? We don't have guns; how can we resist him?"

Someone nervously inquired.

After a while, the neighbors, who had recovered from their panic, began to discuss.

"Zhang Yi... he's really unreasonable! We were just discussing with him, and he started shooting."

"What's frightening is that he's been shooting so many people these days. How many bullets does he have? Why does an ordinary person have so many bullets, even a sniper rifle!"

"I've said it before, Zhang Yi is probably a city war king or a retired special forces soldier. You guys just don't believe it!"

An avid reader of internet novels expressed his opinion.

"Let's not care about who he is. In any case, we shouldn't have any illusions about him!"

"He's a very selfish person; everything he does for us comes with a price."

"All the apparent help is just a lie! He's not that kind."

"Yes, he wants us to be cannon fodder for him, to charge and take over resources and territories!"


In the chat group, they cursed Zhang Yi, and even Zhou Ke'er, Uncle You, and others around Zhang Yi were scolded.

They couldn't beat Zhang Yi, who made them humble in front of him, like ants. But on the internet, they could regain their self-esteem and become war gods, denouncing Zhang Yi.

After venting for a long time, everyone felt relieved. However, a new problem arose.

"Although Zhang Yi is a selfish person, providing us with food is not without purpose. But if he refuses to give us food in the future, what should we eat?"

After this statement was made, the chat group fell into a long silence.

Homeowners, hiding in various rooms, looked shocked, and panic began to rise within them.

They thought about how they lived before Zhang Yi provided them with food. They had consumed everything edible in their homes, including some leather belts and jackets, which were cut into pieces and boiled to eat.

The most desperate ones, in the throes of hunger, even thought about eating feces, believing it could help them survive through secondhand digestion, just like dogs.

What humans find most intolerable is going from hope to despair again. Without having seen the light, they wouldn't fear the darkness. However, having experienced Zhang Yi's provision of food, they were unwilling to return to the past.

Finally, someone spoke up, "After careful consideration, Zhang Yi is actually not bad. He killed those few people on his own. They deserved it."

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