18 | why can't this boy just go out and do something instead of listening to...

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A/n: wanted to make the title longer but wattpad said max 80 characters😭
Here's the full one:
why can't this boy just go out and do something instead of listening to his horrible sad spotify playlist all day💀

I didn't go to Holly's counseling session the next week, or the week after. I sent Everett a text that I wouldn't be coming and he replied just saying 'okay.'

We hadn't spoken aside from that.

My heart leaped to my throat every time my phone pinged. But it was always just Jenna bothering me about my non-existent love life.


My heart stopped. I checked it.

Just another text from Jenna.

Ugh fine, forget the guy then if you're going to be so chicken about it >_<
Come out with us!
Alex wants to see you too.

I don't know, Jenna.
I don't really feel like going anywhere.

Come on, don't be a party pooper.
We're just going to a cafe.

Would it happen to be the one he works at?

He works at a cafe?
Which one?

I sighed.

The one where we broke up.

Ohh, yeah that's the one we're going to loll.
Wait a minute, did y'all get together like the second after WE broke up? :O

We're not together.

I was just kidding, Clemmy.
I think it's good that you moved on.

But now you're just depressed for whole other reasons xD

Call incoming: Jenna

I glared at the phone for a while but it didn't disappear. It just kept ringing, and the ringtone was disrupting my queued up playlist so I decided to pick up.

"Hiiii Clemmy-tine!" Jenna chirped as soon as I answered.

"Hey." I put the phone on speaker and lay down in bed, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stickers on my ceiling.

"I hope I didn't interrupt your 'Sad Boi Spotify Time,' haha," she said.

"You did actually, and it was an especially depressing new playlist as well."

To be fair, it's not that the songs on it were depressing. It's just that it was the playlist that Everett had shared with me. They were bright and the lyrics were cheerful, and it only made me feel worse because they reminded me so much of him.

I missed the sound of his laughter, and his tiny nose, and his chaotic nature, and the way his hair curls up in every which way. I missed his sparkling, glittering eyes framed in those stupidly long, messy lashes.

I missed him like crazy.

"Why don't you just go see him, Clem." I could almost hear Jenna rolling her eyes over the phone. "Or at least drop a flirty text."

"That would be way out of line. He doesn't like me like that."

"How do you know?" Jenna challenged.

"He hasn't said anything."

Idiots to Lovers (bxb)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें