18. Trying to Seduce Him

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Liah's schedule was getting hectic with rehearsals and making sure everyone's off book. The musical opens next month and runs every Saturday until winter break starts.

I knew all of that, not only because Liah told me, but because she got a hold of my phone and marked up my calendar with reminders. Her bedroom had a physical calendar with reminders. Her social media accounts were full of countdowns. Basically, if anyone missed the school musical, it wouldn't be due to lack of notification.

My best friend was on stage facing down the three actresses playing her frenemies, singing a song about betrayal, when Corey claimed the seat next to me. The back row of the auditorium had been our meet up spot since our work on the sets ended. Well, I wasn't needed anymore, but Corey knew how to handle a power drill. He was clearly more valuable.

Since my talk with Gray over the weekend, these little meetings felt wrong. Like I was talking with the enemy. But not talking to Corey felt off, too. He'd become an important part of my life without me noticing.

One day, I couldn't stand him and the next, I wanted to know everything about him.

Even though what he did to my brother was a dick move, I understood the want to rebel against Gray. He had this superiority complex that got really annoying, really fast.

I'd attempted to breech the topic of Corey by casually bringing him up. Whenever Gray asked me something about the play, I'd saying things like, "I thought Corey would've told you?" or bring up a set piece Corey worked on. None of it worked. It was worse than I thought.

That's why, as Corey watched the choreographed dance scene on stage, I was plotting.

Gray was supposed to come home later in the week. He only had one class that day, which he could easily take remotely. We were going to continue our brother-sister bonding over some early Christmas shopping.

Corey could accidentally run into us at the mall. Or he could come over during dinner. Nothing like a little forced proximity to get two people talking again.

My friendship with Corey happened at the worst time. I needed him and Gray to talk it out, so I wouldn't end up on my brother's bad side. Again.

"What are you doing on Thursday?"

Corey turned so fast, he nearly head-butted me. I moved away, not realizing I'd leaned in so close.

"Nothing. Why?"

Why? Why did I want him to come over? I didn't think telling him I planned on setting him up Parent Trap style with my brother would go over well.

His eyes watched me, waiting. Did he always have a freckle near his ear? No. I was getting sidetracked.


His brows pinched together. Hammers? Really? That was the best my brain could do?

"I...wanted to hang some shelves," I said. "In the garage, where I do my nail stuff. Can you help me with it?" It wasn't a complete lie. I had thought about it. I'd just been too lazy to actually do it.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there."

I had set the plan in motion. No turning back now.

● ● ●

"I can't make it."

The two liter of soda I held nearly slipped from my grasp. "What? Why not?" Gray was supposed to be walking through the front door, not calling me over the phone.

My brother not being here would completely throw off my plan. I sat at the kitchen table, the pizza and chicken wings I ordered spread in front of me.

"I forgot about a paper that's due Monday," he told me.

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