Chapter 22: J-Walking Is A Crime

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So sorry this is late. Work has been insane and it hasn't helped that I have been busy with other house chores. But here is the chapter.

Look out for the <>!

"So, Everett's doing a one-on-one training with Tyler today. Everett was the one that requested it, but the thing is, he has never requested that over this season," dad said as he put his phone back into his pocket. "I was wondering, do you have something to do with that?" 

My hands grew sweaty as I thought about the conversation Everett, and I had the day before. There was a reason I didn't say much about the date when I walked into the house that night. "Probably not. He probably just wants someone on one training for the big game coming up," I lied as I tried to look as casual as I could.

"You might have a point there."

As we pulled into the parking lot, my heart started to race. Concerns about running into Everett filled my mind. I still had no idea what to say to him and I felt like I needed to stay away until I worked out my thoughts.

"Hey, do you mind if I leave a little earlier today? I am going to study for a big test," I asked, using my homework as an excuse. 

"Say no more! Leave whenever you need to. Just please make those copies for me before you head out."

I smiled at him as we walked into the practice stadium. "Thanks. I'll be sure to do that."

"Also, don't forget to run those copies to Tyler, he'll give them to the team. Oh, and one more thing, we are leaving for the match tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to come? It's just Toledo U, so the drive won't be so far."

Up until last night, I wanted to go, but now, being on the bus with Everett... the thought made my stomach tie in knots. 

I bit my lip as I tried to come up with a way to let dad down slowly. 

"It'll be fun. I promise you."

I forced a smile at him. Even though he wanted me there, I wasn't sure if I would have the courage. Two hours was a long enough bus ride, but maybe I could avoid him if I sat by someone else. The team was big and if I brought homework, how hard could it be? 

"Sure, I'll come," I said with a sigh.

He beamed. "Great. I will see you at home tonight and we can talk about the details of the trip. You're going to love it! Away games are so much fun."

But the thing was, I didn't think this would be so much fun. I was just doing this for him. "Cool, see you at home then," I said as I waved him goodbye then left his office to make the copies of the upcoming plays he wanted the team to memorize.

Before I knew it, I was at the local boba shop getting a cup of tea when Rick caught my eyes. He smiled brightly, then waved at me. He walked across the road without a care in the world, as if he wasn't skipping practice. 

There was a reason I left early, but he looked like he was just hanging out with some friends. Whatever he was doing couldn't be more important than practice.

Rick walked up to me and gave me a friendly embrace, but he lingered a little longer than I wanted him to. "Hey, Nora, you smell good today."

I untangled myself from him and forced a smile as his friends waited across the street for him. "Thanks. Soap will do wonders to anyone."

He chuckled as he quickly went up to the stand and ordered some boba tea.

"Why are you skipping practice?" I asked. With a game coming up, I would think he would want to be more invested in practice.

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