Chapter 5

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Lucius just wanted to talk about his son's crush on you

"Mister Malfoy I cannot stop your son from finding me attractive, but if you really think I'd go for a 13-year-old your dumber than I thought." You say and Lucius looked offended you called him dumb like how dare you a muggleborn call him dumb? He is so offended you'd dare call him Lucius Malfoy dumb

"Well, I find it highly inappropriate." He says and you nod you do agree but what can you do? Besides telling him to please stop, but he doesn't listen

"What do you want me to do about that Huh? You're his father you are the one who can talk to him, I am not his parent I am his professor I cannot stop him from having a crush on me if I could I would, but I do not control his emotions nor do you." You say and Lucius nods his head he knew this

"Well, you don't do much to stop it." He says and you sigh

"I'm not gonna go for your teenager son sir, if you actually want to talk to your son go ahead he's your son, not mine I just teach him." You say as you smile at him and Lucius glares at you as you get up and walk to the door "If that was all then goodbye, sir." You say and Lucius gets up and grabs his cane and walks out as you glare back at him since he was still glaring

"You do have such a nasty mouth for such a pretty face." He says and you roll your eyes

"I don't give respect to people who have shown they'll never respect me, why would I? Respect has to be earned, you won't just get it because you believe yourself superior, that's your belief, not mine." You say as Lucius walks out and you close the door behind him

Never having another meeting with him would be a blessing but you knew that wasn't gonna be the case

'I hate dealing with Lucius Malfoy if I never have to deal with him again it would be a blessing.'

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