Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Nixon laughed as Marcus approached him, “That’s one thing I’ve always hated about vampires, no manners.”

“I need to speak to you,” Marcus told him, he kept his voice down so that he didn’t wake anyone else up the last thing he needed was Celina storming in.

Nixon squared up to Marcus; he wasn’t scared of him, “Talk then.”

“Keep away from Paige,” he warned.

Nixon laughed again and sat down on the bed, he looked over at Marcus. As if, that vampire had the nerve to come to him and tell him to stay away from Paige. He didn’t take orders from anyone especially not a vampire.

“You sound Jealous Marcus,” he chuckled.

Marcus shook his head furiously, he wasn’t jealous he was doing this for Seth because deep down Seth wanted her. He had decided to come back, have a quiet word with Nixon, and warn him to keep his distance. He had no idea what conversation had taken place between Seth and Paige, but he hadn’t muttered a single word for over an hour.

“I’m doing this for Seth, I would never move in on someone else’s mate and I expect you to think the same!” he hissed.

Nixon’s eyes darkened and he pushed Marcus roughly in the chest, “That almost sounded as though it came from your heart!”

This is what Marcus hated, everyone thought he was still the same, he was so different now. He had learnt so much, and knew now that what he had done was wrong. He was trying to fix the past and make sure that Seth’s future was better.

“I made him what he is, I care about how he is feeling!” he snapped, he did care that much was true.

“You’re a liar and a hypocrite. It’s a shame you didn’t care when you locked him in that coffin, and you wonder why he is so messed up. The hunger drove him so insane that when you unleashed him on his family he didn’t know what he was doing until it was done, until they were all dead!”

That cut deep for Marcus, he was cruel back then, it was what he thought was the best way to become as detached from human emotions as possible. He just didn’t count on it having such an effect on Seth, one that meant he was going to reject his mate.

“If I could take it back don’t you think I would?” he growled.

“Yeah well you can’t the damage is done, and now not only have you damaged Seth you have damaged a girl that definitely doesn’t deserve the heartbreak, so if you’re quite finished you might want to come down from that pedestal and piss off!”

Marcus huffed and pushed Nixon out of the way and climbed through the window, “You remember what I said!”

Nixon slammed the window behind him and huffed angrily, he did not intend to woo the girl, but it was tempting when it was Marcus was warning him off. If he had been Seth, he would have listened, but Marcus was a prick and he wasn’t taking orders from him.


Seth paced around in the abandoned church wondering where the hell Marcus had got to. He looked around at the dusty church and sighed, less than a few weeks ago his life had been perfect, well as perfect as life as a vampire could be. He had a house, a nice one at that and he was enjoying living in luxury, and now look where he was, in some rotten dusty church. It was almost ironic a vampire taking shelter in the house of god.

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