Birthday Boy

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Simon woke up the morning of his birthday to homemade waffles and a note from his brother that said-

Dear Simon,

     Had an early morning practice, but made you some birthday waffles (see waffles on table). Really sorry to miss you this morning, but I got you something to make you feel better (by your chair). Make sure to come right home after school, and we'll spend the rest of the day together.

Happy Birthday,


Simon smiled to himself at his brother's thoughtfulness. Not being with Liam for his birthday was hard, but he looked forward to the end of the day. Liam was an awful cook, and the waffles were a little burnt, but Simon enjoyed every bite. In the plain brown bag by his chair was a light blue sweater his brother had bought for him. The tag was removed, but it was a name brand, and therefore more expensive than what they'd usually do. He wondered how his brother might be able to afford it while buying food and have extra to spend on nice clothing without having a part time job.

     Simon finished off his breakfast, loaded the dishwasher, and ran up to his room to dress for the day. He'd never been partial to his birthday; it always came with too much attention, but he was looking forward to spending the day with Liam. He didn't want to hope it would be like old times, but he did hope they could at least make progress. Simon decided to wear the sweater he'd received from his brother for the day, and after combing his hair one last time, he hopped on his bike for school. During the mornings he'd been going to see Kit in the Library, and it was quite enjoyable. He parked his bike on the rack and grabbed his backpack. Simon liked to prep himself before going into a crowded building; calming his anxiety was key.
     The Library was empty as usual, but he could already see Kit sitting at a computer, so he walked right over to him and sat down.

     "Happy Birthday!" Kit whisper yelled.
     "Thank you."

     "Are you doing anything fun?" Kit asked after a moment.

     "I don't think so." Simon was embarrassed to talk about his day with his brother, because he didn't think Kit would understand.
     "We can't have that. We should do something." Kit suggested.

     "When's your birthday?" Simon asked not so subtly changing the subject off of himself.

     "I don't actually know, but we celebrate the day I was adopted in March." Kit paused for a moment. "I'm adopted by the way. Not that it really changes much. Anyways we can do birthday things for me later, today's all about you."

     "Oh. Great."


     Simon sat alone at his lunch table. Usually he would have spent the day with Kit, but Kit had a different lunch period that day.

     "Hello." Simon heard, and he looked up to see a very unexpected sight; Asher and Shea walking side by side to his table.

     "Hi?" Simon asked, locking eyes with Shea who had a playful smile on his face.

     "Mind if we sit down?" Shea asked.

     "No I guess not." Simon's brows furrowed, but Shea seemed to have forgotten he didn't like Asher. It was the period of transition between Summer and Fall, but the two boys still had shorts on. Asher had a pair of grey tie-on shorts, and a navy long sleeve shirt that hugged to his muscular arms. Shea had straight leg shorts that buttoned at the top, and a hoodie which he often wore. The shorts boys wore were getting shorter, Simon noticed, and the bottom half of the boys' muscular thighs poked out from the bottoms. Simon was in jeans, though he tended to be cold. 

    "So. Kit tells me today is your birthday." Asher began as he began to eat his lunch.


   "Any plans for tonight?" Shea asked.


   "Well then. We'll have take you out to go do something." Asher beamed.

   "We?" Simon asked, making eye contact with Shea who averted his eyes to look at his shoes. 

   "Yeah. Why not?" Asher continued. 

    "I... uh" Simon stuttered.

    "I'm not hearing a no." Asher smirked. Simon looked to Shea for assistance, but he offered none. "So we'll go out after school, K?" Asher stood up with his tray, "See you then."

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