14. Heartache

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Josh's POV:

I woke up wrapped up in the covers with absolutely nothing on. I sat up and grabbed my boxers and put them on. I saw a note at the end of the bed and grabbed that too. Note:

Just sex, no strings attached
Eva x

I sigh and screw it up. Then one thing pops into my head. Wheres Blair. I throw off the duvet and go to her room. I open the door and shes asleep wrapped into the duvet in only underwear. Looking at her like that made me hard. Theres tear and mascara stains all over her cheeks and I swear.

I fucked up.


I go back to my room and have a shower quickly. I grab some clothes and tidy up my room. I take off the duvet cover and put it in the wash. I grab a notepad and pen and quickly scribble down a note to Blair. Note:

I'm so fucking sorry

I go back to her room and put it next to her. I go to the kitchen and grab an apple before getting my bag and leaving. I go down to the car and see all the missed calls from Liam at 9pm last night. I sigh and call him.

L: 'Tell me you didnt'

Y: 'I feel like absolute shit'

Liam sighs.

L: 'You really dont know what you've done have you'

Y: 'What do you mean'

L: 'Football lockers in the gym, 20 minites'

He ends the call and I sigh. I get to Uni and park quickly. 20 minutes till lesson starts. I grab my kit and bag and go to the football lockers. I put my kit in my locker and lock it. Liam comes round the corner and sighs at me.

Y: 'Alright, alright, I know I fucked up really bad'

L: 'And what are you gonna do to sort that out?'

Y: 'I-I dont know yet. What did you mean that I dont understand what I've done'

L: 'Blair was at mine for pizza and a move with Daisy cause Daisy didnt want her to be alone considering its mothers day. Bro I tried to persuade her to stay over cause I knew you bought Eva back to yours but she insisted she would be fine. I told her to call me or Daisy at any time if she couldn't sleep or whatever. She called twice, in absolute tears.'

I look up at him.

L: 'Never heard a girl be in that much pain over a stupid boy. Shes fallen Josh. Really hard.'

I punch my locker door.

L: 'Daisy even had to go over and make sure she was good cause of how much pain and hurt she was in. If you dont fix this, trust me, you'll lose alot of people. Come on, we got a lecture'

I get up silently and walk with Liam to our lecture. Just had one dont need fucking more. We get into the lecture hall and sit in our usual seats by the back. We see people start to fill the hall and the lads see us and come over.

F: 'So how was that hookup Josh?'

Y: 'Ugh God please dont talk to me about that, not now'

L: 'Its all your fault Josh'

Y: 'Alright Liam, you just gave me a lecture, dont need another one'

L: 'That wasnt a fucking lecture, that was telling you how much pain your roommate and crush was in last night while you were fucking a girl next door.'

H: 'Is Blair ok? She hasnt turned up for class'

L: 'Not surprised she hasnt turned up, she called Daisy twice last night in tears because of this certified twat'

Thats all it takes to make me see red. I grab my bag and storm out, slamming the door behind me. I go out to my car and drive to my secret spot by the beach. It's a huge hollow tree on one of the lower cliffs, hidden by lots of bushes. Plenty of space or lie down and a place I cone to vent. I sit with my back leaning against the tree and look out at the sapphire blue sea ahead of me. I calm down and call my mom for advice. (M: Mom)

M: 'Hey sweetie how are you?'

Y: 'Mom I've fucked up, really bad'

M: 'Oh god what have you done now,'

Y: 'I had another hookup last night, not realising that Blair was back from her pizza and movie. Liam did his best to stop her coming back cause he knew I was hooing up with this girl but she ended up coming back. She called him twice apparently in the middle of a panic attack cause of how badly she'd been hurt. I pretty much stabbed her in the back cause as soon as we ended the call on you, she leaned over and kissed me. It ended up turning into a makeout and I've fucked up so bad. Liam's disgusted with me after he explained to me and was pissing me off so much in my lecture that I ended up walking out'

Moms silent for a minute.

Y: 'Please say something, trust me, I'm disgusted in myself'

M: 'I'm gonna be honest, I'm so disappointed in you. You clearly dont love her as much as you say you do'

I wipe a tear from my cheek.

Y: 'I-I just need advice on how to fix this c-cause I dont know h-how'

M: 'Maybe start to by apologising'

I nod.

Y: 'Yeah, I'll do that when I go back to the apartment, anything else I could do?'

M: 'Admit how you truly feel to her. Might be your only way'

Y: 'Yeah, I will, thanks mom'

M: 'Let me know how it goes'

Y: 'I will'

I end the call and put my phone back in my pocket. I lay my head against the tree and close my eyes. I'm so fucking tired. I open my eyes again and get up and go back to my car. I drive back to Uni and go into the lecture hall. Miss is teaching another class and immediately see my ex...

Blairs POV:

I wake up and feel a heavy pain in my heart. I look next to me and see a note. Note:

I'm so fucking sorry

I hold it next to my heart and feel on the verge of another breakdown. Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. Hearing Josh next door had really sent me off the edge. I feel so bad for having to call Liam and Daisy twice. I remember it's a monday and look at the time. Just gone 10am. Definitely not going into Uni today.

Cant face him.

Not now.

Not yet.

I sigh and lay wrapped in the duvet in just underwear and stare into space. I hear the front door open a little while later slamming me out of my thoughts. The door opens and Josh stand there looking at me. I look at him and shake my head. He sits down on the end of my bed and I look away from him.

J: 'Blair,'

I say nothing and keep holding the note.

J: 'I'm so fucking sorry, I really really am'

Y: 'No, no, dont apologise, your allowed to hook up with whoever you want, and I need to adjust to that'

He looks at me and shakes his head.

J: 'No, no, the only person I wanna hook up with is you'...

Hi guys, please vote and comment on what you thinks gonna happen next! Stay safe xx

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